An arrogant sword move

Watching Liang Chen do that, no one moved nor did they make any noise.

They understood that for the final move in their short battle, they would be using their best technique, to the best of their abilities.

Even though that sword technique that Ao Lin had used, was indeed not his, he had his own comprehension about it, so he used it without any hesitation since in the end it derived from the original.

This technique was found by an ancestor from their race, when he went along with many of their race in an expedition to an edge of the galaxy, he had found an ancient site, which did not have anything but a single sentence along with an image engraved on it.

The sentence said "This is the strongest sword chop, and nothing can stop it. It is called Chopping the Heavens and the true gods."

The image engraved on it was simply a figure chopping forward. Even though it was a simple image, it carried an incredible might that made even that ancestor feel his own blood boiling, as if he was injured just from reading that short sentence and seeing that engraved figure.

On that ancient site that was the only thing that they had found even after all the ancestors and strong cultivators had searched it from top to bottom, but the Dragon King remained inside, looking silently towards a wall.

At that time he had a solemn expression on his face, which was incredibly rare for him, and only after did they understand what they had found.

It was a simple imparting of words to a random individual, and that random individual, because of those words and a single move, became an incredibly powerful figure, that with his sword sweep everything in his way.

They could not wonder just how powerful the figure engraved on the stone actually was, to not only claim that that was the strongest sword chop, but also because just an engraving of him from who knows hoe many years ago made an incredibly strong cultivator retreat.

While on the other hand, Liang Chen had used his own technique. But he knew himself the best. Even if he had the same chance, ge would sneer at it, calling it a fake and strive to make something even better, though that would never stop him from learning that technique.

This was what Ao Lin had done. And to the technique, he made changes to it, after countless changes were made afterwards from the many generations that had gone by, each making their own changes according to their own thoughts.

So it could be said that the move was no longer "pure".

So it was only natural for Liang Chen to have lost. Since no matter how amazing he was with the spear, there was no way for him to stop a technique that had passed by the hands of countless sages and improved by each of them.

Liang Meng was awake since the beginning. Even though she fell from the air and suffered injuries and was fatigued from controlling so many formations and observing the ones inside, she still maintained her conscience.

She saw how Liang Chen and Ao Lin fought, and it was clear that Ao Lin had advantage in everything, but Liang Chen did not retreat in the slightest.

Even when he was defeated he still did not blame his own fortune, but seemingly simply stared at the sky formed by formations and projected on the dimension they were in.

To others he seemed to be dispirited, but in reality she knew that he was contemplating his new experience, and for the first time to have something he had looked down upon, to have completely and utterly crushed him, seeing it in a new and completely different light.

There was no lack of people who were incredible geniuses above all others in the worlds above, but many either fell or completely lost their spirit after being defeated.

So, having a dao heart like Liang Chen was necessary for one to trully succeed on this road.