Never ask something of spiteful people that bear grudges.

The only one not caring for time passing by and seemingly not bothered by having his own disciple bullied was Liang Chen, who was still laid down and staring at the sky.

One day when the young disciples were practicing what new things they had learned and throwing attacks towards him. They started attacking him to test their own power and attacks when they had accidentally done so when during their battle an attack was thrown in Liang Chen's way, then that attack was destroyed by Spear Ki that was slowly flowing around him, unnoticed by others.

So since that day they decided that they would test their progress by attacking that Spear Ki barrier around Liang Chen.

Usually he simply stayed there, completely ignoring all of them, seemingly not noticing whatever they were doing and even unconcerned they were testing their attacks on him, but this time was different.

Instead of the usual calm Spear Ki barrier around him, it suddenly transformed into a violent ball that nullified all of their attacks, and then it exploded, as it transformed into an infinite number of spears that attacked in all directions.

Seeing this all the disciples that were preparing their attacks, or had already attacked were all caught off guard, all of the formations and attacks were destroyed and they were sent flying backwards, as they fell while groaning in pain.

They all glared at Liang Chen hatefully, but none of them dared to talk or look at Liang Chen as if to blame him, since they all knew that they themselves were all at fault for doing such a thing.

Liang Chen simply looked at them with an arrogant look on his face, that would make all that saw it want to punch him to death, while he sneered and said under his breath "Weaklings." it wasn't loud, but all of those present had a significant level of cultivation, so they all could hear his words.

It wasn't the fact that he had said such a word to them that made them angry, but the fact that he had said such a word while looking down on them with his eyes, and made the middle finger with both of his hands.

Youths were all hot blooded, especially so when the other party provokes them by doing such a thing, while looking at them, but giving them the feeling that he wasn't looking at them all, instead looking at the treasures they had on their person.

They all immediately hid their treasures, since they all knew that this person was dispicable enough to take their treasures away and call it a fee for letting them practice with him.

Looking at them hidding all of their treasures in a hurry, Liang Chen seemed to have thought about something, and looked at them and said in a righteous voice "I, Liang Chen, am an honest person that has never been unreasonable, and while I was taking a nap, some youngsters gang up and decide to bully and attack this old man, and when this old man decides to teach them a lesson, they all look at this old man hatefuly and even glare at him. Seeing this, this old man that has always upheld justice and protected all living beings from the bottom of his heart, decided to teach them a les-..." He was about to finish his speech, when he suddenly bit his tongue and his face cringed.

He then glared hatefuly at them, and said in anger "Give me a good meal and a good set of clothing, and while at it give me some gloves or a female headband!"

Hearing his words the disciples were not too much shocked nor surprised, since they all knew that he would definitely demand such a thing, but at the end of his phrase, thry all suddenly took a couple steps back, and some suddenly became as white as a sheet of paper.

Seeing their reactions, Liang Chen thought of his words, and then his face flushed and he screamed in anger while trying tk explain himself "It's all of you brats fault, for attacking me while I minding my own business! And besides those things are all for my disciple!"

They had figured as much since the begining, but they decided to bully him nonetheless, venting their anger from before.

So they brought him a good meal, and a white robe for him to wear. Then they brought him a pair of gloves that seemingly disappeared when he tried them on, and they immediately transformed for his hand size.

He nooded in satisfaction while taking them off. Then he looked at the handband.

Like his request, it was a feminine handband.

But there was a problem. Perhaps because they were all bullied by the two of them, they purposely made a tad bit too much feminine. Aftet all who would not notice that his block of ice of a disciple did not care for such things, and wad not feminine at all.

He cringed his face and swore to beat them all up again, while remembering of a famous saying "Never ask something of spiteful people that bear grudges."

Then he began to walk into a house.