Different methods

Seeing that gigantic ball of magma transform into a spear was mind blowing, especially for Liang Chen.

Chen Xiao's horizons were much more open than his, so he wasn't as shocked as Liang Chen. And as for the three disciples, they had seen this many times before, so they were everything but shocked.

When that spear appeared Liang Chen focused his gaze on it.

It was almost the same thing that he did whenever he formed a spear made of Spear Ki, but in the end it was also different.

It could be said that the two methods had the same principle, but Liang Chen's method was crude and wasn't used anymore because of its inefficiency and that it could be easily destroyed, it was only used whenever seniors or patriarchs thought their juniors, so as to not use their weapons and have the risk to injure them.

But in the end, when fighting in the same realm or against an opponent of the same level, it was completely useless.

But the same did not apply for Ao Shuang's method. It was a complete speae that was formed.

He transformed his bones into dragon bones and used his dragon tendons to complete the spear, but that only gave it form, not the power.

The spear was then filled with an immeasurable power of magma, as well as his cultivation base, and was then fortified by countless formations. This made this spear as good, or perhaps even better than any divine weapon.

This was a method that Ao Shuang had come up with. He had read that the Dragon King would punish evildoers or anyone who offended the dragon race by killing them and then refining their bodies into treasures and give them to those who needed them, or just put them on display as a lesson.

He would do that even among his own dragon race. Anyone who did horrible crimes would have their bones, teeth and nails refined into weapons, their scales into armors, their tendons into strings and their meat would be sold.

That cruelty was one of the reasons that no dragon dared to abandon their race in the hour of need, only a few at the final moment saw how the end of the battle would be like and ran.

The remaining members of the dragon race that did not run formed the Ao Clan and made the criminals that ran make many promises, otherwise they would be killed and executed like criminals.

Ao Shuang gained enlightment from reading about that punishment and formed this technique.

This was something that Liang Chen could not mimic no matter how hard he tried to.

But that did not stop him from obtaining some sort of understanding regarding many of his doubts.

Ao Shuang after forming his spear immediately attacked ferociously and viciously. He did not intend of letting any of them escape no matter what.

He rushed at Liang Chen while executing a flame formation towards Chen Xiao with the back of his spear.

From that formation an invincible flame came out. It burned all of Chen Xiao's defences, but was stopped by his spear that nimbly seized its power and used it against the fire.

Liang Chen did not bore well against Ao Shuang's vicious attack. He coated his iron spear with Spear Ki and rushed at Ao Shuang head on.

His spear seemed to have the power to pierce anything in its way, but when it collided with Ao Shuang's spear it was as if it was made from paper, as it transformed into ashes and Liang Chen was thrown back.

He became infuriated. Ever since he entered this place he felt as if he it had been him that was always being bullied and being pushed around by any random attack.

It had always been him bulling others, so how could he accept such a thing like this without doing nothing? He gritted his teeth as an infuriated look appeared on his face. He threw his right hand into the air as he gripped it as if he was gripping a spear, and from where Liang Meng was, from her head, a silver light shone and flew into Liang Chen's right hand.

He had had enough by being pushed around, so he decided that it was time to beat up whoever came at him. For a moment he no longer cared about not using this spear in presence of Ao Li, as to not seem disrespectful.

The moment that spear appeared Liang Chen's aura transformed as well. It was no longer arrogant and overbearing, but gave others the impression that their eyes would be stabbed by spears if they stared for too long and also gave other the feeling that this man was unstoppable with that spear in his hand.