A thief will always be a thief

As soon as Liang Chen got close to the formations that trapped Chen Xiao, he roared and stabbed his spear towards the formations with his full strength.


A resounding explosion sounded about, but instead of the result that he thought of, instead a bright red barrier was now surrounding Chen Xiao and the formations that trapped him.

Neither Liang Chen nor Chen Xiao had expected such a thing, so they were a little surprised, but as they had a huge amount of battle experience under their belts, they immediately took the best course of action that fit both of their situations.

Liang Chen had ignored Ao Shuang's attack just now to try to break Chen Xiao out of those trapping formations, and then join forces with him and destroy Ao Shuang's attack in an instant, and since Chen Xiao knew what he was thinking, he had been preparing his best attack all this time just for that moment.

But since it was a failure, now Liang Chen was under attack of immense strength.

He immediately tried to turn his back, back he immediately realized he had nowhere near near enough time to even do that action, so he summoned all of his Spear Ki, but he did not form any shield around him, nor did he attack either, instead he made all of his Spear Ki protect the inside of his body, his blood vessels, organs, dantian and meridians.

He also immediately attacked backwards with his spear to try and lessen the power of the attack even by just a bit.


Liang Chen was instantly assaulted with an immensely powerful attack that simply seemed to have ignored everything he had prepared to defend himself with and sent him flying like a broken kite through the air as he crashed quite a distance away.

He was filled with grievous injuries all over his body. Some of his meridians were even injured and his blood vessels almost torn. His organs were still vibrating from that immense force and he coughed up blood as he struggled to even get up, as his body and muscles hurt all over.

Luckily even though he was heavily injured, it was nothing permanent even though he would probably not be able to fight any longer.

Before all of this happened and going back to when Liang Chen attacked the formations thay trapped Chen Xiao.

When Chen Xiao found out that there was actually a barrier surrounding those formations, he ignored Liang Chen, who had now just realized that his attack did nothing, and prepared to defend himself.

Chen Xiao was also under the barrage of tje attacks of many formations and since his escape had just failed, he was now under a very dangerous situation.

Even though he had not noticed that barrier, it did not mean that he had not thought of the possibility of such a thing to happen.

He had also been preparing his best attack to defend against and destroy Ao Shuang's attack, but since he had thought that in the slightest possibility of there being somethinf to protect those formations, he had prepared himself to send that very same attack backwards.

He immediately stabbed backwards and everything seemed to have gone still and in the world only a bright and little spear formed of Spear Ki travelled that stale world.

From that spear an amount that seemed almost infinite came from it as they flew towards all the attacks that were coming against Chen Xiao, and they all barraged them.

But the surprising thing was not that they moved at an incredibly fast pace, nor that a small spear formed of what seemed to be a small amount of Spear Ki formed and sent to many spears, the surprising thing was that with each spear that hit the attacks, they seemed to have become slower and weaker.

And as they became slower and weaker, the small spear became faster, stronger and bigger.

That small spear was actually stealing its enemy's power and feeding itself from it.

This was the same thing Chen Xiao had done when he was younger. Stealing something not his to become stronger.

He had created his strongest technique based on his experience from the past, a past that he would never ever forget, and if he could choose whether to have it again or not, he would definitely choose to go through all of those hardships again, since the knew that in the end everything worked out for the better.