The origin of that spear

Seeing her confusion, Ao Li decided to explain.

"That spear has something that allows it to always go back towards a symbol that has to be put by its master."

Hearing his words made Liang Meng frown.

"So, if the symbol has to be put by the owner, how could that very same symbol be inside my Mind Palace? That is impossible."

Hearing her words calmly by the side, Ao Li finally spoke.

"Who said anything about having to physically put it there? He simply asked the spear to protect you in the best way possible, no matter what he had to pay for it. Besides I asked that spear made from the Bao Clan. Those bastards asked for a day robbing price to forge that spear. I hope that they shoke on it. Hmph!"

"That Bao Clan?!" Liang Meng could not help but become surprised. Very few things could make her be this shocked and surprised about something and the Bao Clan was one of them.

This Bao Clan was one of the most famous places to get weapons, that is if they allowed you entry you would be extremelly lucky, but getting a weapon from them would allow you to instantly increase your strength by quite a few levels.

In her previous life she had tried to get a weapon from them, in fact every genius og her generation back then tried to, but none of them could even get permission to enter ten thousand kilometres around their outer residence, much less even get to talk with anyone at all.

A genius could not tolerate it and tried to force entry, only to be killed like a dog and hung up in space for all to see.

This infuriated the clan and they sent the most powerful ancestors to get an explanation from the Bao Clan. They were allowed entry, but who could have thought that when they entered they would be met with thousands of formations, traps and even puppets, all made from weapons. They were instantly all killed, and once again their bodies hung up in space.

This made everyone understand that no one could dare to provoke them, no matter what.

The Bao Clan was formed by members of the already race Earth Race. They understand all kinds of precious metals and forging techniques the best.

They are usually small, but some of them married other races, giving them traits from them. That gave birth to new branches that allowed them to create a more diverse variety and more refined forging techniques.

Its said that their ancestors could refine an almost divine weapon out of ordinary metals, and could refine weapons that would get the Heavens jealously and strike them dead.

Its current leader loves drinking alcohol all day the most, as well as talking about new forging techniques. She hopes that one day she can see the legendary moon forged from all kinds of metals, precious or not, that even the Heavens cannot strike down.

That moon is said to have within it the knowledge of all precious and rare metals, and even a way to create them infinitely. But in the end that gets the Heavens rage, making anyone who even dared to understand anything from it, to be striked dead.

Hearing her question Ao Li was even now completely certain that this little girl in front of him was truly special and had a secret that no one could know. So he answered as if everything was normal.

"Yes, that Bao Clan."

After a brief pause, he continued.

"I stole my son's remains from those pieces of trash that killed him and after that idiot created a massacre to honor my son, I asked those small idiots to forge my son's body into a sturdy spear, then I added a few formations into it."

Hearing his words, Liang Meng frowned and after a moment she asked him.

"Why didn't you kill them yourself? No, with your power yout son wouldn't even have the chance to die even if he wanted to, much less be killed."

Hearing his question obviously made Ao Li hesitate to anwser. He knew what words would come out of that mouth, after all Liang Chen had told him se same thing once.