
Darkness, eternal darkness, the flow of time left Tiny behind, he was outside of it.

From time to time, he experienced some kind of force that pulled him toward itself, but he liked his comfort zone, so he always resisted the force as strong as he could.

Eventually after a week or perhaps a day, maybe a year? or thousands of years … his mental power was completely exhausted, and because of that, the forces managed to pull him into the 3-dimensional space. For a long time, he just drifted inside an infinitely large empty space.

"wgmhf ans wewr gds ...."

Abruptly lots of strong and weird noises entered his ears. Out of instinct, he tried to open his eyes.

Unfortunately, he didn't manage to. He felt cold and alone, all he wanted is for someone to embrace him. It was a weird feeling, but he started to pray for someone to pick him up and embrace him. His body temperature fell sharply as time kept flowing, but then he fell into giant hands, it was awesome all he wanted is to keep being right there, and like that he fell asleep.

Some days passed and eventually Tiny managed to open his eyes the first thing he saw was a giant face. It wasn't a beautiful one and it was beaten all over. she was absolutely a girl and she looked at Tiny with loving eyes as if he is the only important thing in the world, it would be fine if she was a good-looking one. this kind of face was just impassable.

To be honest, he thought she was some kind of freak, all he wanted is to run away. Unfortunately, he couldn't move freely and only managed to shout. a young and tender voice has been echoed in the room, the giant face looked afraid and worried she stood up and tried to calm the baby in her hands.

Then Tiny froze up with no movement or voice, dead silence, he wasn't the smartest but by now his imagination start to run wild. he read way too many books about this kind of situation.

The door slammed open and two young elves entered into the room, they shout in weird language at the woman and one of them took Tiny and throw him onto some kind of bed, it really hurt but the shock was too much to endure so not even a noise left his mouth.

The other started to beat her up all over her body, and after that, the two of them raped her for what seemed like hours to Tiny. all this time Tiny looked at what happened, he was shocked, isn't she was his new mother? he didn't know what to do. He was so afraid he couldn't move, and he didn't want to make any noise. for a long time, he watched how two people rape his own mother, lots of tears fell from her eyes as she looked at her newborn son watching herself being raped.

Weren't elves supposed to be pleasant and nature-loving creatures?? Tiny didn't even have time to be surprised by the sudden appearance of elves, how can it even be real?

And then his body started to be hungry he couldn't control himself he was trapped in a body of a young baby and after controlling his hunger for approximately 6 minutes he couldn't stop himself from crying.

The noise made the two elves' punches to become stronger and the woman's screams to turned louder. Tiny kept crying and eventually his mother managed to take him into her harms and feed him while the two-other kept raping her.

The next 5 months were a living hell, he never left the room, and his mother was most of the time outside of their home. She came every half an hour to feed or clean Tiny and at the nights different creatures came to abuse her.

Because Tiny's memory stayed fully in his mind he already managed to walk, he never even tried to crawl.

He was a prideful man and he didn't recognize this woman as his mother.

Eventually, he tried to travel near his house.

He quickly discovered that he was living in a weird clan. the clan had a clear distinction between two parts. the building that was accompanied by slaves and the ones who were for the clan members. Thanks to his luck he lived in one of the worst slave houses.

No one really cared about him, he was just another being. after some time, his mother found him she was freaking out when she couldn't find him at home. when she did, she threw her hands around him and start to wipe out while he was looking at her with cold eyes. She was afraid that something bad might happened to him.

It looked like she had no knowledge about the time young children start to walk so she didn't put too much thought into the matter, or it is a common thing in this world? maybe all the newborns don't forget their past memory??

From this day Tiny started to walk around the clan, except in some areas no one put any restrictions on his movement. he tried to listen to as many conversations as he could, and eventually, he started to learn the language.

Except for some basic understanding of the language, he learns two astonishing facts about this world. First, there is no discrimination in this world based on race, the head of the clan is human but there are lots of different race that creates this clan most of them aren't recognizable on earth but what is common to all of them is a humanoid form. the second is that there are real gods on this planet! by accepting a specific god to your heart you can start to collect his essence and use his power to control nature.

To be more accurate god need to recognize you first. Before you are recognized by any god you are nameless. and nameless people are trash.

Tiny was excited after he obtain this information. he run home and waited for his newly mother to return in the evening when she will come back from her "work". After she saw him at home, she put a gentle smile on her face and put Tiny on her legs. she brushes his hair and start to sing some random song to him.

"mmoo tth eerrr , baa cck hllo hoom me" (mother, welcome back home) Tiny tried to talk to another person for the first time.

When she heard him trying to speak to her she was elated, for some reason she always felt a cold stare and a barrier from her own son which made her hate herself even more, but now she would give everything to keep him talking for as long as she could.

"When did you learn to say that? isn't it too early for you to start talking? what a smart kid" she said with affection. she started to say lots of stuff trying to make her own son to talk to her as much as she could.

Tiny kept talking but never in this entire time did he look at her in any way other than with a cold look.

His mother was accustomed to this kind of look from other people. she felt a little down, but she did value this moment.

Eventually Tiny asked, "hh ow ccaa n eee gg ett rrreecc ooggniition ggod ?" (how can I get recognition from god?)

His mother looks at him with shock written all over her face. "Where did you hear about that??? it's out of question!!! right now no one will know if you have any recognition so no one will touch you. You cannot work or give any value at your age. If it turns out that you have no recognition, they will kill you! I FORBIDDEN YOU FROM CHECKING!!!!!" it was the first time she had ever screamed at Tiny, she was truly afraid if she would lose him, she probably will fall into a deep despair, he was everything to her now.

She hugged him tightly and started to weep.

Tiny closed his eyes so she will not see the loathing look in his eyes, he didn't say anything more and they both fell asleep, fortunately, no one came to disturb them during this night.

Times passed quickly Tiny turned 3 years old. During this time, he learned how to talk, read, and write. A lot of common sense of this world has been thought to him. a world where only the strong can live a respected life. earth was so much better in a lot of ways. but can you blame them? one creature can kill 1000 others without difficulties. how can you create laws in this kind of environment?

His mother couldn't do much for him, but she truly adored him. when others tried to pick on him, she did everything to prevent him from suffering. every time someone tried to punish him, she came running and took the punishment on herself.

Eventually Tiny came to recognize her as his mother, partly a sister. he really cared for her now, he loved her almost like his own little sister. in some ways, he already forgotten his time on earth. to prevent his mother from suffering more than she already did, he abandoned any idea of social connection with other people from the clan and he started to travel in the forest near the clan, away from other intelligent creatures.

His age was already three and no matter what his mother tried to do and how many times she sold herself she couldn't prevent this day from coming. it was time to check if there was any god who will recognize her son.