Aren't we the same?

Before the sun rise in the following morning Mormo left the school area with Maya.

Their mission was to collect some kind of weird mushrooms. The mushrooms had illusionary properties which could help the school hide some of its secret facilities.

The mission was relatively easy, the forest that could grow this kind of mushrooms were far from the school, but it wouldn't take long before they could reach the forest using teleport portals, maybe 3 – 4 days.

When the school sends their student into missions, they covered the cost of teleportation.

Maya was only at the start of the 2-god-level which made the travel a little bit longer.

The next 6 days flew fast. Mormo got a lot of weird gaze because of the big sword that he carried on himself.

In this world people didn't invent weapons and basically never carried anything on themselves. They didn't eat much, and cultivator didn't even require drinking so at most they are carrying a bag of holding which contained all of their belongings.

The sword was mistaken as a training tool. Mormo was carful to hide all the essence in the sword. it was hard to find any by a regular search.

As they neared the big forest, Mormo was completely shocked. The forest was huge, and the trees were enormous. Even 100 people wouldn't be able to circle one of the tiniest tree.

"Even with a super natural powers human still can't fly or defy any of the physic law. We are weak, tiny and pathetic creatures which think themselves to be some kind of gods over all creation. Isn't it funny?" Mormo thought to himself as he walked his way with Maya into the forest.

"We need to walk for more than two days into the forest until we will enter into the outer region of the forest, inside of it we will be able to find some of the mushrooms. " Maya said.

"It shouldn't be too hard. the mushrooms have no smell and are auraless. It probably will not attract any strong monster to guard them. It's tricky for normal being to find them because as you move closer you will start too see different kind of illusion. But for us as long as we are above the 1-god-level all we need to do is to cycle the essence in our bodies" she said with a beautiful smile.

Mormo gave her a light node as they kept walking into the outer region of the forest.

As the night descended into the earth. Both Mormo and Maya sat inside a small cave, the forest is a dangerous place in the night.

Fights and cries of different creature could be heard occasionally near and far.

Maya was kind of scared but tried to keep it hidden. If not for her chaotic flow of essence Mormo would never know how afraid she really was. But he had his own guesses why she was so afraid.

Mormo cycle the essence near him like a radar. This way he could get an almost accurate map inside of his mind of every object that contain essence, includes stone trees and different kind of creatures.

All the creature that he could detect were kind of weak. No stronger than the 1-god-level.

"Maya don't you think this world doesn't making any sense?" Mormon abruptly asked.

Maya looked at him with a big question mark written all over her face.

"Don't you think its absurd that our value depends only on our strength? Anyone who is not strong enough just getting pushed aside, we don't give any meaning to other aspects, how are we differ ourselves from the other animals that run on this planet?" Mormo asked.

"Well if you have no strength how else could you contribute to your clan? And even if you will find a way how will it help if others will try to take your creation from you??" Maya asked with a little bit of a darkness on her face.

Mormo gave her a mysterious smile and raised his hand above his head, after some seconds a thick branch of a tree flew to him with a weird herb that looked just like a flax.

Mormo cycle the essence near his finger which created a formless little blade above his finger.

He started to crave a bow from the thick log. All this time Maya looked at him with glowing eyes.

After no more than 5 minutes a primitive version of a long bow has been created. Mormo manipulated the essence around him and insert them into the bow. The essence entered the wood itself and made it stronger, while the essence inside the flax like herb didn't stopped at one place but just moved randomly around the string that Mormo created.

Mormo dropped the bow into Maya hands, the true was that he created a bunch of bows when he trained with his mother as experiment, so it wasn't too hard for him to create another bow.

After that he crafted one arrow out of the tree and inserted a massive amount of essence into the headless arrow. When he finished, he gave the arrow to Maya.

"insert a little bit of your own essence into the string and make the essence cycle around the string" Mormo said.

Maya was so interested in this "bow" thing that she quickly did everything he told her to.

As she did the essence in the string that was just aimlessly floating started to follow her essence and they orderly flew in cycles inside the string which made the string strong and flexible at the same time.

Maya put the arrow inside the bow and aimed at the nearby tree outside of the cave.

When she released the string, the arrow flew so fast it's kind of scared her.

She didn't manage to hit the tree and the arrow eventually hit the ground. When the arrow hit the ground, a huge explosion occurred. bunch of long cracks appeared around the arrow which was stacked deep inside the ground without any damage to it.

Maya was stunned and instantly looked on Mormo with a complete reverence.

"You are much stronger than me but even together we can do nothing to win against a 3-god-level opponent, but when I am creating a single item you can easily win against such an opponent" Mormo said with a faint smile.

"You see all the people here are thinking about is immediate gain, they can't think for a long term. The different between us and other animals is the ability to use our head, if the people in this planet appreciate other aspect as relevant expect individual own strength this world could really start to advance into his golden ages" Mormo said with a unique glow in his eyes.

"Do you know what my dearest wish Maya?"

"Please tell me" Maya said slowly.

"To create a world where all the humanoid creature are equals, where even a powerless could live a respectful life! People will not be property anymore, a place where the real value of the brightest ideas can shine" Mormo said in a dramatic tone.

"just think about it, if I will create a bow which the same power that doesn't require the help of essence to operate and distribute them to the regular peoples, what a 9-god-level will be against such mobs?" Mormo asked.

Maya clench her fist, there were a long silence in the cave. Maya was really confused, how come no one else thought about this kind of bow till now?

The light in which Maya looked at Mormo changed completely and her whole character as if transformed into another person, she was cold, and her expression contained a thick ferocity gleam.

Her whole personality changed so quickly that Mormo was a little taken back. He jumped into the nearest wall and started to manipulate all the essence near him. branches flew out of the ground and quickly tried to bind Maya to the floor.

Maya managed to free her self easily out of the branches. She took the arrow and the bow into her hands.

Mormo at this point started to run in Maya direction. He took his sword and waved it vertically in her direction. As he started to wave his sword the bow and arrow in Maya hands turned to ashes.

It was easy for him to destroy items he created himself, all he needed is to make the essence he inserted to fly fast into random direction inside the weapon until it falls apart.

As the destructive power of Mormo neared Maya the power of the 7-god-level abruptly explode out of her body.

Mormo extract half of the essence inside the sword to form a formless blade around the actual sword, to be able to block this force Maya had to use all her available power to form a shield. Because most of her essence was still hidden the shield only barley managed to stop the sword.

With a smirk Mormo drop his sword and vanished to appear exactly behind Maya. He pushed his hand into Maya neck. He could do it without any problems because all her essence was either hidden or in a form of a shield.

When his hand touched her neck, he inserted essence into her body, as his essence enter her body, Maya's forehead glow with a lot of weird characters and symbols.

all her essence rushed back into her body, the big sword fallen into her shoulder tearing a huge amount of flesh.

The smile on Mormo face was creepier and more horrible than even he thought was possible.

With his acute sense how could he miss that she was more powerful than he could detect? After he determined that she hide her power he started to prob her body with his essence until he found relatively easily that she had a slave marks all over her body.

Mormo was basically unmatched in his control over essence, let's not talk about opponent that doing everything to push all her power inside of herself, how could she even detect his probing?

After some second of silence, the expression on Mormo face turn somber.

He knew that the show was about to begin.

He didn't talk, just slowly wrap his free hand around her in half hugging pose.

"Maya don't you think this world isn't making any sense?" Mormon asked again, with a pained voice.

Maya shivered, she couldn't understand why she was still alive.

"Why had you attacked me?" Mormo asked softly.

"If you turn to be dangerous for the mistress my order was to immediately bring you to her as fast as possible" Maya said with a voice lacking any warm to it.

"I understand, could you please tell me why you are so fateful to her? You are her slave I really admire you for loving your master so much even thought she is the one who controlling you and took the freedom from you" Mormo said while he tightened his hug around Maya body.

Maya shivered again, and her eyes turned blank.

After only some seconds tears started to flow down her cheeks.

Mormo was so happy with himself that he barley could stop himself from laughing out loud.

He took his hand off from her neck and started to pat her head with his free hand, while Gathering essence into his hugging hand to extract them immediately into her if the needs arise.

"I never wanted to abide to their words, they imprisoned my younger sister and father. While they put restriction spell all over my body. I'm nothing but a tool, if I will not behave, they will just kill my sister and father in a horrible way" Maya said with tears all over her face.

"I can perfectly understand you, I was born to my lovely mother which I love and adore. I have no father because my mother was raped occasionally there is no way to determined who my father is. no one ever cared about us and I grew up while watching how people from my own clan who basically had to protect us from outsiders raped my mother every night and beat the both of us regularly".

"when I grew up, they found that I have a good aptitude for cultivation they managed to trick me into transfer all my power into my mother, so she could create stronger baby to the clan. after all my power left me, they sold me into other clan".

"I born as slave and I will probably die as a slave, no one ever cared about me in the clan. I know that I'm not unique, my own circumstances are repeating over and over again. They use us just as they use a disposable and poor item."

Mormo put both of his hands on her shoulders and look deep in her eyes. While he cycled his own essence in Maya body to heal her open wound.

"Don't you think the time to change this poor excuse for society has come? Wouldn't you help me??" Mormo asked as a single drop of tear fell from his eye.

After all she was still young and all her power was transfer into her body, she lacks experience and hypocrisy to stand against Mormo manipulation.