Never mess with the wrong mother


Sometime before the current event


Opal just resolved herself as she absorbed the strange foreign object that floated inside of her, in her blood.

She moved it into her heart and then tried to migrate it into herself.

As Opal consumed the strange mass, it turned whiter and whiter, as it transferred itself into her brain.

Then the white mass left her body as it flew around Opal aimlessly.

Little by little, a small golden thread started to materialize as it connected Opal's head with the white mass.

She instinctively could understand that it wasn't part of herself but a part of Mormo!

She could feel from the mass his strong love for his fellowmen.

She was connected to the white mass, she could hear and explore its property naturally.

To her surprise, she couldn't find Mormo there at all.

She saw a young man in a foreign world, with a foreign set of rules, the young man was very successful, kind of rude to his fellow human friends, and a very doting brother.

She instinctively understood that the young man was her son, Mormo.

He was much happier, he didn't have a lot of friends and he was surrounded by an air of loneliness, but he truly cared about his country and its people.

Opal concluded that she somehow through her unique connection managed to get a glimpse of Mormo's current new rebirth.

She was very happy for him.

She was pregnant again, she lost count of the number of her forced children, she was very desperate just a moment ago, but now she was at peace, she was happy for her beloved son, it was so long before the last time she thanked the gods of this world.

She didn't want to die anymore, she was afraid that maybe she will not get the opportunity to meet her son again.

She wanted to just look at him, at his life, and be happy for him and with him.

Not a long time passed, at least for Opal. She gave birth to another child maybe two, she didn't count, couldn't care less, every minute of the day she explored the mass that only she could see, floating around her.

Eventually, a second mass appeared in her bloodstream, unlike the previous time she consumed it fast.

The same process happened again as another mass appeared, it floated around her as a golden thread started to connect this mass to Opal's heart!

She could feel from the mass the strong desire of Mormo to keep living.

She could see all of his hard moments, which to her horror mostly were connected to her.

She quietly inspected the mass, Mormo was young and full of vigor, she could see his training in the forest as he reminded himself that he must train hard to keep his life in check.

How Mormo always returned to her arms, despite his unwillingness, because he wanted to keep his probability of staying alive higher.

She could see and feel Mormo's feelings when his desire to keep his life was the strongest.

She couldn't control the mass, she could just get information from it, so she observed it and learned more and more about Mormo's behavior feelings, and motivations.

As she learned more and more through her connection to the masses, a strong confusion masked her head. Why is the mass giving her only scenarios of Mormo's life on that plant? Didn't he already reincarnate? And why his emotions are so complex at such a young age.

Opal came to the only solution she could think of "It was his, my son, second life" Opal said depressed.

She thought about the behavior of this child, which sometimes looked to her as if he is the parent in their relationship, Mormo's always been very mature and smart.

She looked again at the mass where the young, successful, and smart man lived his life.

How little does she know about her unique son, can she even be his mother from now on? Had she ever been?

And worst, she couldn't be happy anymore as she looked at the first mass, how real was their relationship anyway?

Didn't Mormo have to participate with her stupidity? Didn't she practically a shackle in his life? Why did she cling to Assaf all this time when she had such a smart son?

All kinds of thoughts and questions appeared in her mind, as well as the hope that maybe Mormo was still alive! If not how come this new mass came to her, she couldn't feel her son at all but that was not relevant anymore! She needed some hope, maybe he is just too far away, or maybe he found a way to break their connection, which was a good thing in her eyes, she didn't want to control or restrict him in any way, she wanted to help him! To be a good mother!

After so long, the luster in her eyes came back to her, the hope! And a new dream started to appear in her mind.

"I WANT TO BE USEFUL TO MY SON!" Opal thought.

She wanted to believe that Mormo is still alive, but he doesn't need protection anymore, he is not a small child but a successful and strong man!

She didn't know if he was alive or not, but two things were clear, there is a chance that her beloved son is alive! And if her son is not dead, she wanted to be useful to him!

She repeated this thought again and again in her head as she repeatedly looked over both of the masses to absorb again and again what she had from her son.

It was the first time that hopes and dreams returned to her in the small, dark, and empty room that she was in.

She sometimes cried and sometimes laughed, but her resolves turned stronger and firmer with each passing moment.

She didn't know how much time passed before the new desires fully firmed in her heart and brain, as they turned to be part of ideology! Part of her reason for existence!

She wanted to transform reality and space itself to be as close to her son as possible, she wanted to be able to come to his aid whenever he will be and have the strength to help him!

But the main thing was to never be a hinder for her son ever again! To be by his side whenever he will need it!


Her whole head started to vibrate, followed by her whole body, followed by the whole room.

In a matter of seconds, the whole world around her, except for the two floating white and clean masses, started to vibrate uncontrollably.

While everything happened, two vampire-like cultivators stormed the room, as they entered the room, the ceiling and the walls start to collapse.

1-god-level … 2-god-level … the resolve of Opal turned stronger and stronger … 3-god-level …

Her power kept flowing as the essence that always stayed in her body which she couldn't control or feel anymore, got activated once again!

The two cultivators knew exactly what they had to do, both of them jumped in Opal's direction, to kill her! She was a valuable asset but at the moment she will regain her power she would turn from an asset into a liability to their clan! She had to die! And it will be quite easy at the moment as she was only at the 3-god-level for now, but they must attack quickly, if they will let her regain her full power their whole clan might be in danger!

Both of them were at the 9-god-level! They quickly run in her direction.

But for some unknown reason as they run the distance between them, Opal turned longer and longer, as if the whole room from a tiny room turned into a huge field.

And her power kept increasing dramatically! As her resolves and desire kept echoing in her mind.

… 6-god-level … 7-god-level … the panic on the guard's face was clearly visible, they started to feel the pressure locking into them as space and lengths turned into fluid concepts in their current situations, which were very weird to them, they never even heard on this kind of power!

What the fuck is happening with this woman, firstly she got recognized by the god of water! This was a very unique occurrence not only that, but she had white recognition which was insanely rare.

And now she did something no one even knew was possible! She changed gods, a different god recognized her, two gods in the same life, this kind of thing was publicly known as impossible.

Both looked at each other faces, and as their eyes shined, "Anomaly!!" they screamed in their head.

They turned around and tried to run in the other direction.


Opal finally activated all her essence, as her desire and philosophy were firmer than ever as if they were engraved in her mind!

No place is too far for me to help my son!

Both of the cultivators for some reason find themselves abruptly facing Opal, they tried to run but even while running they never really managed to move, which was a very strange experience for them.

They run! They moved but they never change their physical location!

"Where is Mormo? Where is my child?" Opal asked slowly.

They could feel that even though all of them had the same amount of essence the seer control and mastery that the white recognition brings with it meant that they were nothing, but mere insignificant creatures compared to her.

They looked at her scared out of their minds.

"We don't kno…" one of them tried to say as his head vanished from his body, only to appear 10 meters from there, he died just like that.

The second one raced his brain he knew that probably people are coming in this direction as they speak, the whole room collapsed, and they were in the backyard of the new clan! All he needed is a little bit of time until Assaf will come.

"I know where most of your children are! And they will be very glad to meet their mother! If you want, I will bring you …" he couldn't keep talking he felt like the whole area that surrounded him started to shrink, as if it was trying to vanish with him inside.

The whole area started to shrink more and more … he screamed and shouted but no voice could escape the compressed reality around him.

As space shrank, he eventually turned into a mass of flesh and gore, as he vanished completely from existence, not even the smallest detail stayed that could suggest that he ever lived.

Next to him was a beheaded man who splashed blood everywhere.

Opal just stood and waited as her surroundings filled with numerous cultivators.

Finally, Assaf showed up!