A wish never killed anyone 1


Mormo sat near Moshe and Yaacov, both lay down on the floor.

They were in bad condition, Yaacov much worse than Moshe.

Mormo tried to insert his essence again into both of them. the essence entered but as it randomly floated in their body, it didn't help them much.

They were unconscious so no real emotion could be detected from them by Mormo.

Mormo understood that he could do nothing to help them so after he understood how the big screen worked and played with it for some time, he just sat near them and waited for them to either die or wake up.

After a few hours, Moshe woke up, he looked around as his vision locked up into Mormo.

"Are you … God?" Moshe asked Mormo, which looked like a terrifying beast.

Mormo looked at him for a long moment before he answered, "I'm the one who will eliminate the gods".

"I will be happy to serve you in this mission", Moshe said immediately without a second of hesitation.

"What ... an arrogant … and stupid beast …" said Yaacov weakly but mockingly while coughing as he slowly opened his eyes.

Mormo said nothing as he just looked at them while drifting in his own thought.

"Kill me …" Yaacov said weakly, "I have nothing left to live for …, I just want to end this pointless life".

"You are my property, you have no right to make decisions about your own future" Mormo declared.

He Abruptly stood up and started to move away from the room, he used a huge amount of his essence to create a sonar-like system, to search for nearby creatures.

It didn't come to him as a big surprise that he could detect an endless number of rat-like creatures all over the cave.

He collected tens of them easily and came back to the room.

Both Yaacov and Moshe followed him with their eyes with a lot of doubts while tens of rats circled him.

Mormo grabbed two rats in his hands and kill them immediately.

Afterward, he collected some dried wood in the broken room and make them burn with his essence, it wasn't that hard, all he needed is to rub the essence against each other near the wood until the air started to grab heat which quickly burn the wood.

When the wood became hot enough, he dropped the carcass of the two rats into the fire.

The exact same process that he practiced to make himself a diner.

The whole time everyone was in silence, the tens of rats that floated alive around Mormo gave a terrible sense to both Yaacov and Moshe.

When the rats were ready, he gave the ugly and smelly meat to Moshe and Yaacov, while Moshe ate his share without hesitation, Yaacov dropped his share on the floor.

Mormo looked at the dropped meat partly annoyed, as he grabbed it and shoved it into Yaacov's mouth until all of it entered into his stomach.

After that he extract all the life force of one of the rats and start to experiment on Yaacov, he believed that if Yaacov will manage to obtain any essence back, maybe Yaacov will be able to heal himself faster.

Mormo tried to solve this problem from multiple angles, but nothing helped, he managed to insert his own essence into Yaacov's body, but none of it was in any way Yaacov's own essence.

The same was true for Moshe, he managed to control the essence that Mormo inserted into him, but only in a way that Mormo initially approved of, the essence wasn't his! and that was a major problem. If Mormo was to leave the area all his essence will leave Moshe and come back to him, and he couldn't do with them anything that Mormo wouldn't agree, think of, or wants to.

Moshe had no free will over the essence.

It was a complete failure. No creativity or additional control from Moshe could be generated.

He could add his own experience into the essence and inflict additional damage to his opponent, but it was useless as Mormo could just steal Moshe's experience and sorrows to use it himself.

He didn't want a puppet!

They stayed like that for a few days, Mormo gave both of them food and water while forcing Yaacov to eat and drink.

He cleaned Yaacov's wounds and tried to apply some herbs to them.

He couldn't leave the cave because he was afraid of the beasts in the inner circle of the forest, but some herbs that grew near the entrance could be attained.

Both were extremely important to Mormo, he didn't understand himself or his reasoning, but for some reason, they were just too important to ignore.

Moshe was full of enthusiasm and excitement, for the first time in his life, he could feel the essence, even if not his, and somewhat control it.

As time passed Moshe revered Mormo more and more as if he is a true god!

Yaacov didn't talk about dying anymore, he ate and drank quietly as he waited for his salvation.

At the start, he thought he would become this monster's food anyway, so he just wanted to die faster.

He didn't want to think about his brother, or about his whole situation so he pushed it to the back of his head.

He didn't know what this beast wanted from him, or anything about the weird experiment that the ugly rat doing on him, but for sure his master will want to know about that, "He will definitely come to save me!" thought Yaacov.

He had nothing but Eyov, he was loyal to him, and he will do anything for him, so all he had to do now was wait until Eyov will come and save him.

He was sure that his master could return his power and essence to him.

All he needed to do is to wait for him to come and help him! Better if he could collect data to help his master.

"Just wait and see, when my master comes you will die a painful death!" Yaacov cursed in his heart.

A month passed

Mormo tried everything he could think of while having a lot of fun in his experiments, except for the fact that Yaacov's body almost returned to its perfect condition, nothing really changed.

Mormo always bombed Yaacov with a lot of life force from the rats-like creatures so it may help Yaacov to recover faster.

Mormo couldn't make them cultivate their own essence.

Moshe had a lot of patience, he took this opportunity very seriously, all the time of the day that he didn't spend with Mormo, he spent exercising his body.

Yaacov on the other hand waited for Eyov almost religiously.

He knew that if Eyov wanted he could come to this place in less than an hour, but he always pushed this thought to the back of his head, he couldn't even think of the possibility that he got abandoned by the same person he sacrificed everything to follow, he was loyal and reliable, he did anything for him! He killed his own brother for him! His last family!

So, every time his mind started to reason, he shut himself down, it was just too much for him to handle.

Mormo never talked with them, if needed he only said the bare minimum that was required.

None of them thought that Mormo was a humanoid creature, he didn't look like one, so it was normal for them that he rarely talked.

Mormo didn't absorb their emotions with his power, even when they were very negative, to master one emotion and follow in his steps so that they will have their own power like Mormo, he thought that they must own their own difficulties.

His power was pointless without emotions!