Current Status



Name: Silvv Vronti

Age: 15 Years old

Race: Human

LVL: 13

Strength: 9999 (SSS)

Defence: 9999 (SSS)

Vitality: 9999 (SSS)

Agility: 9999 (SSS)

Magic: 9999 (SSS)


Lightning Bolt - A powerful attack that blasts lightning towards the target dealing high damage. The range can vary.

White Spark - Imbues a weapon with lightning magic, covering it in lightning. It increases attack damage greatly.

Storage - Able to store anything except living beings. Infinite space.

[Stutter - Slows time down but the user still moves at the same speed]

[Teleport - Teleport anywhere the user wants]

[Rewind - Rewind the body to a previous state, basically instant healing. Can also fix his body in one state.]

[Illusion - Can create impenetrable illusions that even Gods can't see through]


Limitless (SSS)- Has no limits at all

Genius King (SSS)- Extremely rapid growth

Exterminator (SSS)- Double damage against all monsters

Magic Emperor (SSS) - Doubles damage, efficiency and range of all magic

Will of the Conqueror(SSS) - Exert a pressure on anyone or thing, making them afraid of the user and they will either faint, be scared or die depending on the users wish and opponents strength.

Lightning Lord (SS)- Resistant to lightning based attacks, all lightning attacks used do double damage

[Creation (???)- Ability to create anything the host can imagine (money, unbreakable swords)]

Weapon Saint (SSS) - Grants unparalleled skill with all weapons (includes fists). All attacks with weapons do double damage.

Weapon: Raikiri (SSS)

[A/N: Anything in [] is hidden
