
Thunder roared, on a cold cliff, a young lady of 14 years stood with her hair tangled and burnt, blood dripping from her chin, staining her previously spotless white silk dress. Around her was a crowd of men, in the middle of it all, a middle-aged man.

" Qia Yun, you won't go far without the family!" General Qia shouted.

She sneered and pulled out her sword, "No, you won't without me."

Hearing that, the guards that surrounded General Qia paused for a moment. They weren't too sure that the easily scared Miss Qia was the one talking.

" Well, I am not too sure if it's bravery or stupidity that has got into you to talk like that to your father!" A shrill voice pierced the air. A woman wearing a luxurious poisonous green chiffon dress sashayed up and hooked her arm around General Qia's arm.

" Darling, hurry up and kill her already, it's dreadfully cold and I'm shivering" Madam Qia complained.

General Qia smiled and waved his hand towards Qia Yun signalling the guards to end her life. However, Qia Yun cackled loudly and declared, " Beware, one day vengeance will rain down onto you and on everyone you care about."

Her drenched hair, dirty dress and the slim sword she had in her hand made her look pitiful and sad, unlike the words her had just announced.

" I'll give you one more chance, if you agree to my conditions, I will let you go, " Madam Qia stopped the guards.

"No, eat my sword." Qia Yun shouted before thrusting her sword towards Madam Qia's stomach.

An arrow pierced through the air, almost stabbing Qia Yun. A quick dodge prevented it from achieving its purpose, however her sword never reached Madam Qia.

" How dare you! Stupid girl!" Madam Qia shrieked, cowardly hiding behind the multitude of guards.

She looked up at the guards, the temperature dropped as she smashed her foot into the ground, instantly sending the guards flying into the air. Giving her ample time to jump down the cliff to escape.