
My back hurt due to the impact of hitting the locker handle. Trent stood there holding my arm with a tight grip.

"What do you want?" I asked irritated pushing his cold hand away from me.

"Now that's not the way you speak to me human," he spoke cockily getting closer to me, "It took a week to catch hold of you."

"Yay, you caught me. Now move I have a class to attend," I told sarcastically. I tried moving but he did not budge. Seriously, didn't he have anything better to do than bother me this early in the morning?

He laughed hearing what I told, "I forgot to have breakfast today," he told showing his teeth. He then came close and whispered, "Now that you're here I want to suck your blood dry from that b-"

Bam! He fell on his behind on the floor. I looked to my side to see a not so happy Derek with his fist up.

"What the hell man!" Trent exclaimed rubbing his jaw.

"Pick someone of your own size Trent," Derek glared at him, "and stay away from her," he caught hold of my wrist pulling me from there.

"Ah my class is the other way," I told him as he dragged me through the corridor.

"We aren't going to class," he stated. We reached the infirmary and I sat on the bed with him. The nurse was not there.

"Are you hurt?" I asked him taking both his hands and checking for any injury. He must have probably got hurt when he punched that jerk.

He muttered something under his breath and then spoke, "Look," he said pulling up my sleeve. There was a scratch with a tiny pool of blood seen which I had not noticed before.

"We need to disinfect it before it gets septic, claws are dangerous," pulling a cotton he wiped the mark disinfecting it.

"Thank you for before," I told him as he put the cotton away. He had a good eye when it came to any injuries.

"No problem. Anytime," he gave me a smile, "Is this the first time he's bothered you?" he asked me.

"Second," I replied him to which he furrowed his brows and said an okay.

"You made an enemy because of me," I told him, "they might gang up on you," I was worried, he chuckled hearing this.

"Don't worry about that. Let me drop you till your class," he offered me and we left the infirmary, "So how's your leg? You took a day off."

"Better," I replied, "Don't tell about...this to anyone," I told him gesturing towards my arm.

"You mean Kyle and the others?" he asked me to which I nodded.

"I won't," he smiled assuring me and I was grateful to his reply.

Once I reached my class, the teacher asked me why I was late due to which I had to lie saying I was not keeping well and took my seat.

The rest of the day went fine including lunch. I knew I had nothing to worry about Trent for now but I was worried about the future. Derek had joined us for lunch too and he was comfortable to talk to.

There were only two things odd today. First, there were too many whisperings going around the school not that people didn't talk but it was a bit strange. Secondly, I caught Louis looking at me intently most of the times.

"What are people whispering so much about?" I asked them as we ate.

"You know the usual stuff," Lizzy replied.

Once we finished our lunch, we started heading to our respective classes. The teacher was not here yet but I could hear a few whispers. Curiosity getting the best of me I asked a girl sitting next to me.

"Why is there so much of whispering today?" I asked her.

"You don't know?" she asked me. I shook my head no, "There are rumors spread around that a girl was attacked by few rogues. But you know rumors are always rumors," she shrugged her shoulders.

When I came out of my class, I found Derek outside my class leaning on the wall.

"Hey," he said and then quickly added, "I'm not following you."

"I never said you were stalking," I laughed at it, "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I just didn't want any repetition of this morning and I was done for the day," he explained to which I just nodded, "Are there any other problems from people like Trent?" he asked me.

"No just him," I answered him as we walked out of the building.

"Is that yours?" he asked me with awe looking at the car outside. Augustus was already there waiting for me.

"Not exactly," I told looking at him.

"Well whoever got the car has a hell of a taste," he said still checking it out, "I think you heard about what the whispering was all about?" he asked me.

"Yeah, that a girl got attacked by rogues," I told him.

"Do you know who it was?" he asked with seriousness in his face,"the girl I mean."

"Who was it?"

"Scarlet," he replied. Why did the name sound familiar, I thought. Wait a second.

"You mean..."

"The one you got hit by during p.e," he stated," I know its weird but be careful when you're out until they catch hold of the rogues," he was concerned.

"I will," I replied and told him bye.

In the castle, at night as I walked around I thought about scarlet. It was strange how particularly she was the one to get hurt. Did it have something to do with me or was it just a mere coincidence.

"Are you going to tell what happened to your arm?" It was Louis.

"Are you going to tell what happened to Scarlet?" I questioned back. He kept quiet and I confirmed my thoughts.

"Then my answer is no," I replied to his question.

"You should ask Ruka," I heard Louis speak as I walked to my room to get some sleep but could not. Getting up I headed towards the door next to me, which was already open.

"Come on in love," Ruka called, he was sitting on an armrest chair holding a glass of wine. He looked handsome as ever his hair tousled and his eyes sparkling.

The light was lit low in the room. He watched me like a predator as I walked inside the room and sat on the edge of the bed. He narrowed his eyes due to the distance I put between us but did not say anything about it.

"I have something to ask," I told to which he nodded for me to continue, "It's about scarlet." A sly smile came up his face at the name of her.

"What about her?" he asked me already knowing what I was talking about.

"Did she really get attacked by rogues?" I asked him but his face showed no change of expression.

"You want the truth?" he asked me and I nodded my head.

"No, she wasn't attacked by rogues," he replied looking at me waiting for me to talk.

"Was it because I got hurt? You could have warned her verbally," I told him voicing my opinion.

"That wouldn't do," was his answer, "You are too naive Eve for this place. If I let this slip this time there will be repetitions. This is just a warning," he said firmly.

"She didn't deserve that," I said softly. If he wasn't a supernatural he wouldn't have heard it.

"Come here love," he said raising his hand. I got up and walked towards him when I placed my hand in his; he pulled me making me stumble. Turning me around he made me sit on his lap.

My anger dissipated as seconds passed by and was replaced by embarrassment.

"Relax," he said feeling my stiff posture. Seeing that I did not, he sighed and put his arm around my waist getting me closer to him.

I felt the hair on my neck stand and I gulped. He rubbed my hand in small circles, feeling all the tension leave my body I slowly relaxed in his arms.

"You didn't use the credit card I gave you," he said.

"Lizzy doesn't let me pay," I told him to which he hummed an answer. No matter how shy I was I liked being close to him. Like this.

Usually mates would be together most of the time. Normal mates would have kissed by now, the lips. And mate too. The thought itself made my face heat up.

"Is everything okay?" Ruka asked concerned and then brought his hand up checking for a fever.

"Yeah," I replied. He traced his fingertips down my face and placed his palm on my cheek rubbing my lower lip with his thumb so very softly making my heart flip.

"Have you been kissed before," he asked me looking into my eyes, "On the lips."

"No," I said feeling a little out of breath.


"A-ah I think I need to sleep," I told him peeking through my lashes.

"Alright," he said giving me a warm smile and kissed the top of my head pressing his soft lips, "Goodnight sleep well," he wished me.

"Goodnight," I told him feeling light-headed and went to my room to sleep at last.