Movie- Part 1

When I woke up next morning, I tried stretching my arms but any movement was restricted since Ruka's arm was tightly wrapped around me, one of his leg tangled with mine, he was facing me and sleeping.

I noticed he had long lashes; his hair was in a mess and looked utterly sexy with his pink lips. His hair looked soft and silky and I was tempted to run my hands through it. Well, why not try it when it was right there. You know what they say 'grab the opportunity when you can', so here goes.

Lifting up one of my free hand, I touched his hair. Soft, I wonder if he conditions it and that's why it smells fruity. I tried wiggling out of his arms later, which only resulted in him tightening his arm around me.

"Good morning sweet Eve," Ruka said his voice deep. I looked at him to find him staring at me.

"Good morning, Ruka," I wished him. In a second, I was on my back flat on the bed and him on top. His lips found mine and so did mine, kissing him eagerly. He pulled back a little and inhaled my scent by trailing his nose on my neck and giving a trail of kisses.

I felt tingles where ever he touched, his tortures lips kissing me. It was a painfully sweet feeling, unexplainable. I felt him lick at the mark he had given me last night making me shudder with pleasure. His mouth was skilled; I wonder how many women he has been with previously, and compared to him I wasn't even a bit experienced. However, that is not the point.

"Ruka?" I asked breathlessly.

"What is it, love?" he asked me as he continued with kissing me. Damn, it was hard to concentrate; his hands had slipped under my top gripping my waist.

"How many women have you been with?" I asked him. I am sure he has been with plenty of women.

"Hmm, I'm kissing you and you're worried about it?" he asked me amused, "Many but none were serious except for one," he said which made me jealous.

"Who's that?" I was curious. He kissed me on my lips when I asked this.

"She's where I want her right now, in my bed," he replied making me blush and we got up from the position we were in, "I didn't know I had a mate before you came along. Waiting for centuries, you just lose hope. If I knew I had one I would save myself for you Eve," he said holding my hand and pulled me in his arm.

"Okay," I replied understanding.

"Your parents are here," he said pulling back and giving me a peck on my cheek. Freshening up I went down to meet my parents, with my bag pack as I had school. Ruka was already there talking to them. I sat down and spoke to my parents; by the time I would be back, they would have gone.

Ruka and I were on my way to school, he wanted to drop me. I had Mr. Halls class and was late. I grimaced thinking about what he would tell.

"You look worried," Ruka noticed as the car came to a halt.

"I have physics now and I'm late. Mr. Hall is a scary person," I told him.

"Hall?" he asked and I nodded, he then took a pen and a paper out from the dashboard. He scribbled something and folded it handing it to me, "Give this to him when you meet him," he said.

"Is it like a pass?" I asked him holding the paper.

"Yes, something like that," he smiled and pecked my lips, "Have fun. Augustus will pick you."

I reached the class quickly and knocked on the door, Mr. Hall turned around and looked at me.

"You're early for the next class Ms. Whitlock," he said with a blank face.

"Mr. Hall, this is for you," I said showing the folded paper to him.

He narrowed his eyes and took it. Opening the paper he read its contents, he had a slight frown and looked at me with his eyes narrowed but I go his eyes grow wide before composing back his face to a scowl, handing over the paper to me.

"Get inside, I won't tolerate if you're late next time," he said and I could see few of the students shocked expression because he never let students in if we are late than a minute.

I went and took my seat, making notes as the class went on. When the class was almost over, I opened the paper which Ruka had given me to see nothing in it. It was a blank paper. I was confused.

The remaining time went fine. I was in the girl's washroom when I overheard a few conversations. Mostly it was about boys and then I heard something else.

"He's hot," one of the girls said.

"Ya, sad that he doesn't hang out with us. He's always around that girl," another girl spoke.

"I totally agree. Seriously she's so plain and boring," the first girl spoke. I could say they were humans because they did not seem to notice my presence, "I heard she got hit in P.E. in the first week."

"Pathetic," the second girl told. Why do I feel they were talking about me?

"Now even the soccer captain hangouts with her. I can say she's just dumb," the girl spoke. I sat on the closed seat as I was still inside. They were talking about me! Why can't people mind their own business?

I had one more class left and then I would go back to the castle and get some sleep. I didn't concentrate during the class, my mind kept wandering around about the girls in the bathroom, then there was this paper which I clearly saw Ruka write something in it but then why was it blank?

I took out the piece of paper and opened looking at it. Did he use some kind of magic ink, which vanishes in a few minutes? That might be it. I was writing my name repeatedly on my book in different styles.

One of the people who'd never spoken to me stood before me. He was a brown-haired person with spiky hair, which gave the bad boy vibes from him.

"Is that yours?" he whispered, I could tell he was a vampire.

"What?" I asked confused. He jerked his head to my table. He was talking about the paper I had kept open.

"Yeah, it's mine. Why?" I asked him. Why was he interested in a blank paper?

He smirked looking at me, "You're supposed to keep such things inside especially when there's something like that written," he said and his words had piqued my interest in a second.

"What is written in it?" I asked him.

"You don't know what's written and you're carrying it?" he asked me.

"Yes, will you tell what's written in it?" I asked again and he gave me an evil smile.

"On one condition," he said, "Write the assignment which will be given today."

"Okay," I replied and he looked taken back.

"Really? Just like that" he asked me.

"Yes, now are you going to tell me or not," I asked irritated.

"I don't want a single hair missing from this else I'll have your head off," he said.

"What?" I asked taken aback.

"That's what's written in it," he said shrugging his shoulder, "Whoever wrote it has an amazing handwriting, by the way, I'm Maximus but you can call me Max," he said.

"I'm Eve," I introduced myself," How do I know you're not making up what's written and why's that I find it blank?" I asked.

"That's because its written in an ink that can be read only by pureblood vampires, I'm telling the truth," he said.

I got out of there after collecting Max's book, I saw two of Trent's friends standing in the hallway as I walked. While passing them, they spoke loud enough that I could hear.

"The new girl is someone's mate," one of the guys told, "Sure he's a low ranked Gio supernatural," he said. Yeah right! My Ruka would kick your ass, I thought and walked out. What's a Gio?