The Ex- Part 2

Eve's POV:

"I need a break," I said huffing for air.

"We just began warming up," Louis said to which I glared.

"It has been an hour since the warming up!" I told him, he chuckled hearing this. I was a human for heaven sake, not a vampire like him.

He was good with his fighting skills and yesterday we had a mini sparing were out of defense I had bitten him, which had Sebastian laughing.

Its been nearly a week since my training began with Louis. He's not made it easy, workouts on workouts I was out of energy every night.

Ruka had sent Megan to her father and out of this castle; I mean she does not stay here anymore. She looked furious that day; the look on her face was priceless. He had broken off the ties with her father and had built a new relationship with William, Jessi's beloved. I did see Megan during school and received glares from her.

"You know, you just have to say the words," he said his lips curling up slightly. Now that I think about it, I have never seen him carefree. It seemed as being Lizzy's twin; he had given her all those characteristics too.

"As if I would," I shot back an answer taking the water bottle and drinking it.

Ruka had told if I felt I could not handle this I could ask them to stop but I would not be going to trip either. After another hour, I went back to the room and showered.

I loved this bathroom. It had a Jacuzzi bathtub, which I had only seen in magazines. After the shower I got out and picked my clothes, there was a note on the bed. Please tell me it is not what I think it is.

Opening the note, I let out a sigh of relief. It was from Ruka and he asked me to wear something casual, telling we were going out.

I took out a plain grey top and black jeans to go with it. I had left my hair down. Going out I met Ruka, his back was leaning on the car.

We were in the mall now shopping. I had three bags in my hand and so did Ruka. The crazy thing was all of it was my stuff. Ruka picked almost every little thing he found good on me. There were women who were gawking at him at a particular store and I had pulled him out of there. I felt possessive.

Ruka later said that he would be back in ten minutes as he had someone to talk to. I waited for him outside Archie's store, when someone interrupted my thoughts.

"Is that you, Eve?"


He was my first crush. He had dark brown hair with black eyes and was a werewolf. He had led me on making me think he liked me but before I could get into a relationship Jessi and Rini had found out that he already had a mate.

He was a lying and a manipulative guy in short.

"How are you? It's been so long since I last saw you," he said in a surprised tone. The nerve he has to ask me that.

"Yeah," I replied, "I'm good."

"You look beautiful by the way," he complimented me.

"Where's your mate?" I asked him while my eyes searched for Ruka and not acknowledging his flattery.

"We didn't get along well, so we rejected the whole thing," he said casually, "We should definitely hang out sometime," God he was worse.

"I'm already with someone," I told him to which he laughed.

"I don't think he's as good as me," he boasted arrogantly. Only if you knew, I thought in my head.

"I need to go," I said him feeling uncomfortable.

"No, stay," he said trying to grab hold of my elbow but I moved a good distance away from him quickly, "Let's hangout now." I looked at him as though he had grown two head.

"Is there a problem?" It was Ruka.

"No, I am talking to my girlfriend so mind your work," Steven said and then looked at me, "What was I telling? Yes, that-"

"Can you repeat that again," Ruka interrupted with a growl. I could see that Ruka was trying to keep his cool.

"I'm talking to my-" and Ruka punched him square in his face. Well, he asked for it. Ruka put his arm around my waist which was a clear sign that meant I was his and walked me out of the mall.

"Who was that and why was his hand on yours?" Ruka asked as we drove back to the castle.

"Steven. We studied in the same school. I used to like him a year back but not now," I said him to which he just gave a curt nod, "He had a mate."

"Had?" he asked me raising his eyebrow in question?

"He rejected her," I told him.

"I see," he replied. I am glad he did not flip or anything on me, "Louis told you're doing well in your training."

"And?" I asked him a little excited at what he was getting to.

"You can go on the trip," he said a smile tugging his lips.

"Yay!" I jumped from my seat and hugged him.

Next day in the school, I walked to my class and saw Maximus or Max as he preferred. I pulled out his book from my bag.

"Here," I told him handing over the book. He opened the book and went through the pages.

"Sweet," he said and closed the book. The class began as usual; we were given exercises to solve in the class. As I was writing, I felt a pair of eyes on me, which was Max and I ignored it but after some while, it started annoying me.

"Don't you have anything better to do than stare?" I asked him.

"I was wondering how I could make you solve the rest of my assignments," he said grinning.

"Are you so busy that you can't do such a small thing?" I asked while I continued solving on my book.

"Hmm," was his reply to it, "So who's your mate?" he asked me casually changing the subject.

"And why would I say that?" I questioned him back. I felt suspicious about him.

"Because we are friends?" he asked giving me an innocent look.

"We aren't," I told him.

"I'm hurt Eve," he said dramatically, "You know you didn't have a mark last week. I know its someone from this school. Is it Louis?Derek?" he asked me.

"What?! No!" I whisper yelled.

"I wonder who it is," he murmured to himself.

"Why do you even want to know?"

"Because friends know about each other," he protested, I mentally face palmed myself listening to this.

I went to the next class after that and sat next to the window. I had one more class after this and then I was free to go. Feeling thirsty I pulled out the bottle and drank the water. I still had the water in my mouth, looking outside.

"Good afternoon class, I'm Mr. Reed," a husky voice spoke making my head snap and I choked looking at the person.

"Your Advance mathematics teacher is on leave due to personal reasons, in the meantime I'll be handling the class," he looked at me and I saw his lips slightly curl up. He was wearing square spectacles.

Girls were already fawning over him giving their best smiles. He was going to teach here? My eyes were wide as saucers and the thing was no one even recognized him as Ruka Wolfric.