Lovers- Part 2

After a warm shower, I got out. Ruka was sitting on the bed and reading a book. He was wearing a shirt now.

I crawled on the bed and sat next to him. He closed the book and pulled me on his lap. I loved how he paid attention to me considering every single detail. He nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck and kissed the mark.

"I missed you," he said making me giggle.

"You saw me in the morning," I pointed out. My hands had wrapped around his torso.

"Even a minute feels like an eternity without you around," he said making me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

"I feel the same," I said and he pulled back to brush his hand on my cheek. Taking control, I leaned in and placed my lips on his. He did not waste a second and kissed me back lovingly. We pulled back to get some air.

"I wanted to ask you something," I told him.


"Are Amelia and Ray human?"I asked him.

"Ray is a vampire but Amelia no," he replied placing his chin on my shoulder.