Rainy Day- Part 2

I was shocked hearing all of this. So if there was a witch, then was she watching every move of ours. I gulped thinking about it.

"What did you speak with Kallum?" Louis asked me.

"Just the normal stuff about how he was away for two months and he was happy to come back," I told them.

"I don't like the Kallum dude," Derek said grimly. I couldn't say no to it, he did act weird like Max, I guess people who hang out with Max are all like that, "Do you know him?" he asked Louis.

"Not personally but I've heard how good he is in handling the state affairs," Louis replied to him.

"Then what is he doing attending school?" Derek asked the question I was about to ask.

"Pass the time like others I guess," Louis said, "We are searching for the girl named Laura currently. Hiding one's identity is really something to look into and who knows it might be one of the missing puzzles of what we are solving." That was true. Derek's cell rang then and he picked it to speak.