The reason- Part 1

When I woke up the next day, the sun hadn't risen yet and the sky was still dark. I felt unusually cold even though Ruka held me. I lifted my face to see the windows wide open and the white curtains moving gently due to the wind coming in. If an artist would have come upon such a sight he would have definitely sat down with a canvas or a paper to capture the view now. Ruka's chest was rising softly up and down indicating he was asleep. I gazing at him for more than five minutes until I felt myself shiver due to the cold wind and snuggled closer to him. One of his arms came around me, tucking me next to him which made me smile. Even while he was asleep he was holding me close with so much love with such a gesture. I let myself bathe in his warm embrace, inhaling his musky scent until I fell back asleep.

In the morning when I woke up, I looked to see Ruka sitting next to me with a concerned look on his face.