His wicked way- Part 2

When I entered the hall the next morning, I took sight of Shane, Aiden, Lizzy, Louis, and Sebastian sitting there having breakfast. Aiden and Lizzy busy annoying Louis about something while Shane sat there reading newspaper and Sebastian looking around.

"Good morning, darling," Sebastian greeted me while he patted the chair next to me.

"Good mor-" I was interrupted by Aiden.

"Someone had a rough night," Aiden said to only get a smack from his father, Shane.

"Oh wow," Lizzy whistled looking at my neck. I turned beet red at the comment. Before I could comment anything about it I felt a pair of arms going around my waist.

"Stop teasing my love this early in the morning, I'm the only one who's allowed to do it," he said holding me possessively against him. I could see everyone grinning looking at us, "Is it hurting?" he asked me concerned and I shook my head to hear someone coughed.