The old Era

"So you are telling me there was someone else apart from Ruka, you and the shadows?" Jessi asked me and I nodded my head.

"Yes, none of the shadows had feet and their bodies were hanging just above the ground. It was definitely not the shadows because I doubt you'll get a costume as such," I answered her with my brows furrowed.

We were in our history class waiting for the teacher to come as students threw paper rockets around. I had told Jessi about the shadows and my thoughts on it. I don't know why but my gut told me there was someone there, the night when Ruka and I had been to the dark forest.

"Don't you think Ruka would have noticed it if someone was there?" she asked me.

"I don't know, what if someone hid their aura like a witch or something," I said softly resting my chin on my desk, "Moreover, while leaving one of the shadows was making hand signs which I didn't get one bit. It was like playing charades."