The other side- Part 1

Eve's POV:

I got out of the car quickly and went inside the castle. Questions were popping in my head which needed answers right now. When I caught up with Ruka we were greeted by Andria and Lizzy in the main hall who had broken glasses in their hand.

"Where are Louis and Sebastian?" Ruka asked them.

"They are in Louis' bedroom. Annesana is there as well getting things in control," Andria replied with a sigh and saw Ruka look at them in question.

"Did he break these?" I asked looking at the glasses in their hands and they nodded.

"I think the essence of venom is still there in Louis' body, for some reason it's bringing out the temper out of him. I would give him second place after Ruka," Lizzy said making my eyebrows rise a little but I didn't question upon it.

"It's more like a child throwing a tantrum which is unusual because he behaves way mature than his age," Andria said and Ruka hummed to it.