The vampire kingdom- Part 2

"I had company," I said pointing the car and his expression softened.

"How many more left?" Canrart asked out of nowhere.

"Three more," his driver replied as other gunshots were heard.

"And it's zero," Luke said killing the last one.

Once all the crossbreeds were dead, Jack had gone in Canrarts car, leaving Luke and me in the other car. The back seat was covered with tiny glass pieces. The rain had stopped now and I pulled down the window for air to pass in. The silence was awkward as we drove to the gate and it was going to take twenty minutes more.

Luke was a strange person. He gave a vibe of laid back person but somewhere I knew he wasn't so. He would smile sweetly sometimes it was an unnerving smile that wrecked your nerves. Even though he was elder to Canrart by five years, he had passed on the throne to his younger brother. I felt that both of them were trying to get out of the responsibility by pushing it on each other.