Background story- Part 2

Mom later had to rest so I left the room in search of dad, Elvis, and Luke in the mansion. When I met them, dad and Elvis had a frown on their face while Luke was looking outside the window. Luke had told Elvis about my visions and it wasn't a good sign. According to what Elvis said they weren't just hallucination visions but that my previous life dad was trying to get in touch with me. I didn't like it one bit.

"But out of all the years why is he trying to get in touch with Lilly now?" Dad asked Elvis who was holding a cup of tea in his hand.

"Because he couldn't get in touch with her. Ace being the half medium gave a way to her father, Alos," Elvis said, "Ace had died long back before Luke killed him completely and I think Alos is in a form where he can only give her visions but not physically touch her for now as Luke's there with her. He is trying to resurrect his dead wife."

"How does Luke help in the anti-Alos thing?" I asked and Elvis gave a questioning look to Luke.