Servants quarters- Part 1

As we traveled I kept glancing every few minutes at Marc who was sleeping soundly now in the backseat of the car. The wound on his arm was nowhere to be healing as infected skin turned greenish brown in color.

"You need to get some rest. You didn't get enough sleep last night," Luke said looking at me as he drove.

"I'm worried about him," I said softly before taking my eyes away from my friend, "How much longer until we reach the kingdom?" I asked him.

"Less than an hour," he replied. We were going to the witch-kingdom where Elvis was because he was the only one whom I knew could cure Marc's spreading infection and stop him from transforming, "I hope you know what you're doing Lillian. By elongating his existence your only going to cause him more pain," he said.

"Sometimes hope is the only thing you can rely upon," I said with a weak smile and saw him smile a little at my words.