Waste of time- Part 2

The passage opened to a wide rock made room that held swords adoring the walls but that wasn't the surprising thing here. There was a pile of bodies lying at one corner of the room, I covered my nose feeling the rotting blood stench assault my nose.

Going near the bodies I saw they were all having long nails, "Crossbreeds?" he asked looking at them and I nodded.

"This must be the physician's work. The secret passage which isn't used. Making sure I turned to crossbreed. He's experimenting without anyone's knowledge. It all fits in," I heard him say as he looked around the room.

It did. I didn't even want to know what he would do with Marc if Emma didn't go missing today and if we weren't planning to leave. The king obviously wasn't aware of having experiments going on right under his nose. And using an unused passage in the palace with his own guards was very convenient.