Inner Demon- Part 2

Luke's POV:

Taking a seat, I crossed my legs lazily. I already knew the answer but I wanted to hear it from his very mouth.

"Working for someone," he replied shortly making me grin wide. Victor raised an eyebrow in question to my change of mood.

"And who might that be, kind Sir?" I asked him and saw him gulp not opening his mouth to answer, "Speak up, I don't have all day to entertain you. I'm a busy man," I said glancing at the wall clock.

"I was told by the lady who goes by the name Savannah who belongs to the Dragon kingd-"

"Wasn't she the one linked to Canrart?" Charlie asked cocking his head to a side.

"Well, that explains most of it," I said getting up.

Savannah was a high sorceress who once dated Canrart but it lasted less than two months. Like most of the conning people she came off as a sweet, attractive woman who cared for the people around her but she couldn't hold on to the image she had posed to be.