Vampire wedding- Part 3

The wedding was going to take place at night and I still had a lot of time before I turned to Luke's wife. I turned to look at the watch and went to pull back the blanket over my head as Julie had left the room.

I didn't understand why I was woken up early when the bride could get her beauty sleep. Sleep was all that mattered before I peeked outside the window to see the number of people gathered. It was given that as time passes by the crowd would increase and so would my nervousness. I was marrying the vampire, I reminded myself.

"Lilly, get out of the bed and here I thought you were up! You're going to be late for your own wedding," I heard Gwen's footsteps inside the room and felt her tug my blanket.

"I'm helpless. My bed has seduced me," I said dramatically making her roll her eyes.