Dead grounds- Part 2

"No one wonder the stench is so strong," Jamien murmured looking at the body.

Emma's body was in the process of the decomposing stage and though her face was faintly recognizable, her skin was half there and not there, showing the rotting tendons and muscles.

"You guys can go to the quarters and don't speak a word of this for now until communicated so, aye?" Canrart instructed the servants as they looked at the bodies wearily. Bowing their head they took their leave not wanting to stay here anymore. Canrart then turned to my friends and Jamien, "Children can go sleep while we have something to discuss. Hurry along," he said clapping his hand and I didn't miss the annoyed expression Jamien threw at him as he left.

"Two of them have been attacked gruesomely while the third one has a vampire bite, just a little deeper than usual," Elvis said bending down to look at them and then glanced at Emma.