A very tasty piece of News 3

After meeting with her manager Xue Meili left the company and headed over to set.

She had come in much earlier so after checking in with the director she walked over to Jung jianguo's trailer.

According to the call cards she didn't have any morning scenes so she wasn't due in set until afternoon.

Jung jianguo on the other hand has many back to back scenes to shoot since morning, so he had left for the set earlier on.

By now she was almost as familiar with his shooting schedule as she is with hers so she knew that he didn't have any scenes now.

One of the few benefits of filming a movie with her husband was that those few times that they were both free they could spend some quality time with euch other.

"Hi Darling" she said hugging him from behind.

"Lili you here early. what's wrong miss me" he said jokingly.

"Maybe" she said.

"How was the meeting? he asked seeing through her happy facade.

Jung jianguo could see through her act, Xue Meili was trying so hard to pretend to be happy.

"good I didn't get any film offers but I did get a life streaming show oh and a verieity show so there's that" She walked around him and took a sit next to him.

"Don't let that get to you, it's only for a short while. You talents speaks for itself. Soon your schedule will be so packed you won't be able to rest. then you will be asking for a leave" he said pulling her close until her head rested on his shoulder.

"Thanks for making me feel better. You always know what to say to lift up my spirit" She said softly.

"It's my pleasure my dear. of I don't know how to make you happy who will. No matter what happens you will always have me by your side" he said kissing her forehead.

"as do you my angel" she replied snuggling deep into his hands.


Meanwhile back in the studio Feng Mimi was filming her last scene in the series which was the scene when her character finally saw the error in her way before committing suicide.

"And cut, it's a wrap. thanks so much for being a part of this Production Miss Feng" the Director announced smiling.

A cast member quickly ran over to her with a banquet of flower while everyone clapped and thanked her for taking part in the production.

"Thanks it was an honor working with you" Feng Mimi said smiling.

After two and a half months of filming She was finally done with her scenes. After saying her good byes and changing out of her costume.

She got into her rest room, everything had already been packed up so the room was pretty bare now save for the furniture.

"Congratulations on a successful wrap Mimi" Her manager Lei lan said as She walked into the room her assistant Sheng Ru and a crew member holding a gift basket from the sponsors on her tail.

The smile on her face slipped away as soon as the Crew member left the room.

"Get rid of this flower" Feng Mimi said flinging the banquet of flower at her assistant.

Sheng Ru was completely taken unaware that before she could step aside the flower had already hit her squarely on her forehead. the thorn piecing deep in her skin.

"ouch" She said rubbing her forehead.

"oh get out I have neither the time nor energy to deal with you right now" Feng Mimi said harshly.

Sheng Ru picked up the flowers and left the room. she had already shut the door when she murmured angrily


Back in the dressing room

"Mimi what's wrong. You of all people should be overjoyed at the prospect of concluding your scenes" Lei lan said softly.

"Don't get me wrong am happy to be done with this horrible production" Feng Mimi said.

"then why so angry? Lie lan asked

"I don't know maybe because time is running out and I still haven't gotten any good news. it's been two months already.i am sopposed to give Madam Jian a response in two days time"

"Mimi you know these things can't be rushed. You have already started the fertility treatments there's bound to be a good news soon" Lei lan said.

"In the meantime what am I to do about the deadline"

"Don't worry I have already thought of a solution. You were offered a guest appearance at a tv show at H city. Since you have wrapped filming why don't we go early on and when madam Jian calls again you let her know that you already have a previous engagement.

Your excuse will be totally valid since we received the offer months ago plus you don't even have to worry about her showing Jian Mengyao the file not with him still abroad. So what you think of my plan" Lei lan said

"That's a wonderful idea lan"er let's do that" Feng Mimi said happily.

"alright I'll arrange everything"

That evening the production team sent out a post and tagged Feng Mimi announcing that Feng Mimi just wrapped filming her scenes and posted some photos of her smiling and holding her banquet of flower.

As soon as the post was made public, Feng Mimi forwarded the post and thanked the production team and the rest of the cast for their hard work and for making her stay worth a while.

The next day as planned Feng Mimi and Lei lan flew over to H city to film the program. Madam Jian as expected called her up at to meet up but using her well planned response she managed to elude the meeting.

Meanwhile back a S city Jiang Mengyao had just gotten down from the plane and was about to call Feng Mimi to inform her of his early return from his trip.

when he received a call from his mother ordering him back home to Jian residence.