Prologue 2

A cold voice came from the poorly lit corner "Reiny despite being so talented and with such great strength above my own your achievements and reputation I can only help but acknowledge you. Unfortunately your dear sect gave you up so they could survive, sadly there are few who can keep them from being destroyed now that you are going to die." The man in the shadows gloated while his body radiated a bloodlust that would cause people to tremble in fear. "Perhaps if you were given more time you may of been a help to them but it is their own stupidity that has led to their own decision and trapped you here."

But Reiny's face remained confused and filled with hate as she stared back at the man. Her beautiful long robes were covered with dirt and dust from being held in such a place.

"Why?! What have we done to deserve such treatment? Who are you?" Her slender lips quivered as the words left her mouth.

Laughing hysterically the man spoke with ridicule "Who am I? Of course how rude of me!" He stepped into the light revealing a pale but handsome man who had a warm smile on his face coupled with a pair of eyes which had a vicious and cunning side to them. "Your betrothed of course, Nine Heavens disciple Darius Quinn! KEKEKEKEKE! Actually I don't even remember my true name as I am merely a number, one of many who have infiltrated all major influences."

"I could say we are a forgotten hidden influence, we use a forbidden cultivation technique which devours souls to promote our cultivation base. Sadly it has minor side effects on our temperament as we are influenced by the souls we eat. Their resentment, fear, anger... all of their negative emotions stay with us and influence us after being devoured. However there is a way to fix the problem!" The man licked his lips and looked at the woman as if he never once noticed her incredible beauty but instead as if she was a valuable resource. "The Holy Sect is the sect which is like a delicacy for us, because they use a method using light to purify their souls in their cultivation method. By devouring souls we currupt our own and gain power but you are the oppisite with such clean souls, if we devour yours it is actually beneficial for us don't you think?"

The woman's body shook and her face full of disbelief "You were originally like this the whole time?! To even go as far as amassing cultivators to learn such a wicked method which kind of influence could be capable of this?" She paused before being filled with fear. "Infiltrated… Which means there is someone inside my Sect too but won't they wonder where I disappeared to!?"

"We already have many on the inside of your sect, even one of the elders is working with us, soon they will all be, and then comes the fun part. The sect will survive and become a primary food source us, we shall let them fatten up ready for slaughter!" The man put on a sorrowful face that looked very pitiful "Hah!… My dear wife… Oh how I could not see her before we were to be wed! So sorrowful, so hateful that she abandoned the agreement and my heart and fled. OH THE PAIN! Kekeke."

The woman had a pained look on her face, with no way out of this situation she stared at the floor at a loss as she felt the breath of the man against her ear as he whispered. "Your beloved master, or should I say your adoptive mother." He paused for a moment before revealing a huge grin. "My boss sends his compliments for such a rich soul to your Holy Sect!"

Reiny face went white as she looked up to see the man touch his space ring on his finger and a long thin sword appeared, he smiled gleefully. "To live is to be devoured, the strongest eat the weak. You may have been stronger but I was smarter and so here we are. Farewell and you shall become a part of me soon enough!"

He thrust his sword into her heart and watched the life drain from her beautiful face with an excited look on his face trying to savour every moment.

As her body lost all life her body went limp and softly fell to the floor, a see through figure slowly rose from the woman's body which looked exactly like her but emitted a white and pure aura.

The figure was Reiny's immortal soul which she formed and nurtured since becoming an immortal cultivator, it opened its eyes and looked at the man with killing intent.

However she quickly reached her hand down to her bodies necklace which had a space ring hidden on it.