Growth, family and friendship

Three days later, the boss of the mountain the monkey king summoned old grey and wife for a meeting and also specially told them to bring the children along as well.

There the family was given additional gifts and a discussion made towards their future path.

Usually the males are more suited towards training while the females stay at the mountains unless they had talent for training too.

If they were of a smaller race they wouldn't get the chance to train as the resources would be wasted on them.

As deer, their combat power was somewhat below ordinary beasts their size but because of their fathers individual strength and his rare lightening spirit energy he had earned his position.

No matter what was said, everyone was able to see that the king had given old grey those resources due to his achievements despite his lower race and this matter let the hopes be placed on the newborns for their future burdens.

Whether they also would be useful in the future depended on their own hard work and luck but the old monkey liked to gamble on the possibility.

One year later...

Apparently, some matters where occurring in ways that people never predicted.

The son's growth was pretty good but it was only that, it wasn't the same as what everyone thought was going to happen.

According to certain people's' guesses the son would be the most talented but little grey was equally talented, after training their bodies and fighting for a year the little brown had strong brute force while little grey was a little weaker but had faster speed.

Unfortunately little white had been too timid to take part in the training and fighting during this time so more attention was beginning to be placed on her brother and sister.

"Old grey, I am worried about little white." A gentle voice passed through old greys ears in beast language as they both looked at their one year old children and said while feeling somewhat worried.

This voice belonged to their mother, who she was speaking to was her husband, old grey who was currently frowning.

"I'm not sure, I have tried to teach train her like the others but it seems she has no talent for it… At first I was hopeful after watching her as she does have keen sense of her surroundings and a good sense of smell but her personality is too timid so I think it would be best if we put our focus on the other two." Old grey sighed.

Due to her lack of body training the resources she would receive would be wasted on her as she would not be able to absorb the energy properly from the herbs after eating them, so it would be better to be given to others.

If so she was destined to have a slow growth and a lack of resources, so she would spend most of her time with the weaker beasts on the mountain most of her life.

Naturally she would be safe there but her parents would wish for their children to be strong enough to survive in this world where the strong reign over the weak and lives are lost daily.

Two years later, the children were now three years old.…

Little grey and brown were making great progress in their training and grew a little taller and were a little more powerful, giving the minimum requirement after training their bodies they were allowed to begin gathering spirit energy into their beast cores.

Although they could be considered geniuses since most start cultivating their beast core at the age of three to five years old, the process could take some time even with the assistance of herbs so each were given a spirit grass each as a reward for their hard work.

With the assistance they should be able to break through to rank 1 spirit gathering within the next year or two without any problems.

Little white however still made no progress, although she grew a little taller and fattened up a little she did not have that much progress like the others so she often stayed out of training and spent her time alongside her mother.

Not like any of this seemed to affect her as she was the same as ever towards her surroundings, however sometimes she would go missing and cause trouble… Turning up in others caves, most frequently she would be chased out of the monkey kings cave after she tried to take a sip of his spirit wine made specially from different spiritual fruits.

She almost succeeded the first time but after that he became more vigilant and made sure to hide it away, but she still found it each time leaving him helpless so all he could do was chase her away and tell her parents.

Obviously old grey and his wife were quite flustered over all the complaints they felt it was time to keep a closer eye on her as she was bound to get hurt sooner or later.

Plus it wasn't good for old greys reputation… He couldn't help but sigh from time to time.

2 years later, the children were 5 years old...

After little grey and brown finished refining their spirit grass they made great progress and began consolidating their spirit power after reaching rank 1, slowly building a foundation and progressing at a steady speed.

Upon reaching rank 1 it was found out that little greys spirit energy was wind attribute while little brown was earth unlike their father who has lightening attributed spirit energy which is very rare.

The average person or beast with an attribute only possesses one type of attribute which are fire, Earth, water, wind and a smaller amount would have a rare attribute like ice, light, darkness, lightning.

The type of innate attribute a person possesses, determines the type of spirit skills and abilities they can use which greatly affects their future growth and value.

Putting it simply, a fire attribute martial artist would learn martial art skills that would compliment towards destructive power, while wind would be suited to sharp and fast attacks, earth would be better suited to defensive and blunt attacks.

It is said that, an attribute has basically already been determined at birth and would never change, regardless of what one attempted.

Of course that doesn't mean everyone has an attribute, actually even possessing a common attribute would be quite rare so having 3 in a small family of beasts could be called a miracle since their mother was born without an attribute.

Little white showed no improvements as she grew but her body grew much taller and looked quite adorable to others, her horns grew a lot longer and pointing to the left and right of the top of her head.

After all the trouble she had caused and lack of improvement besides staying with her mother, she was forced to stay in a small area with the younger generation of the weaker and smaller beasts.

Despite her situation she showed little interest in her surroundings and did not join in with the others activities, surprisingly that did have much affect on one individual.

On a daily basis she would find that she was unable to get rid of a small white rabbit with red eyes that sat on her head or back.

This little rabbit had quite a bad temperament and often picked fights with the others but always stayed close to little white perhaps due to her usually being so quiet and always on her own, after a year together it became a regular thing for them to sit, sleep and travel together.