Deer family descends the mountain

On the 11th year the scale of the attacks on Ever Reach Mountain only grew more and the rate death tole kept rising.

Facing this situation the leaders grew restless…

Leopard Family

A large black leopard growled at his son with an arrogant look on his face "With how things are leading under that old fools leadership we will be wiped out at this rate! I just need more time and I am sure to break through to rank 9 then that old ape will have no choice but to step down! In the mean time you keep training, those damn brats you cannot fall behind as you are a crucial part of my plans to hold them off."

A light growl came from a delicate looking leopard to her mate "But what about that old fox and deer won't they be a problem?"

"That fox is quite cunning, he does not get involved with power struggles to avoid punishment incase he backs the loser, plus he gains nothing from either of us being the victor so won't interfere." He snorted "Son we are expecting another attack soon and that deer family will be descending the mountain very soon to search for more resources, although I can easily beat that old grey in a straight up fight he does have some survival skills which is why he is so valued for gathering resources and we are running low right now so he is taking the whole family with them."

A low growl came from the son as he raised his head with a questioning look. "Yes father I will train hard! So they are taking that troublesome trashy daughter with them too… For what reason? Won't she simply die out there?"

The large black panther sighed "It is true that little one will face danger for the first time… But it is required right now. We are getting more desperate and if we are defeated, the weak will perish with us. All we can do is grow stronger, let the young experience battle and dangers before they come upon us… Even the weak have their uses."

"Father is wise!" The young leopard bowed his head and left the cave.

Deer Family

Inside Old Greys cave the whole family was preparing to set off, old grey looked at his family and sighed heavily. "Wife I hope this decision isn't wrong, this may be our last opportunity before we are attacked again. Hopefully this will help increase our families strength, right now I just achieved rank 6 and you at rank 3…. Two of our kids have made great improvements with little grey and brown are now rank 4. However little white has yet to experience battle and will suffer in the future if she keeps being sheltered."

The female deer shook her head and sighed "You are not wrong at all, it is something all beasts must face sooner or later. Her nature is too timid and if we are not around I fear she will not last very long."

Old grey nodded "True it's just I wish I could shield them forever but even now I have to rely on my own kids to defend our family home. The day they surpass me, I can finally retire haha."

"You old softy, come kids let's set out" his wife giggled.

Little white stared and slowly followed by her mothers side "…"

She had a slim build, her antlers had grown much longer but he body did not seem to possess much strength.

A younger male voice came from a tough looking sturdy deer with large antlers "Don't fall behind you girls" he teased.

A female voice replied as a slim and agile looking deer as she snorted at her brother "hmph! Who is falling behind? I am faster than you! Stupid brother."

The family began their journey down the mountain and into the forest as others watched on, upon a large tree overlooking them hung an old monkey and younger version of him.

The old monkey sighed to himself "I hope they don't run into any trouble, those I can rely on lately are getting less and less. Let's hope they can bring back some good stuff."

The young monkey mischievously grinned "What's so good about that family? Aren't they just a lower race?"

They old monkey slapped his son on the head and groaned "What do you know? That old grey is one of my old pals! Although deers and other races have a limited potential he clawed his way up through risking his life numerous times, plus that lightening energy is no joke… It can temporarily paralyse enemies equal strength or below which is very useful to our fights, along with his experience and tactics I trust him more than anyone to go collecting supplies."

"Then what about the others?" The young monkey scratched his head.

"Those 2 were born with an attribute, although not a rare one like their father. They definitely possess their own individual talents and with their dads training, battle experience and cultivation resources they should surpass their father in achievements. As for that other daughter… Not so simple." The old monkey looked in thought as he placed his hand on his chin.

"You mean that weak looking thing? You must be joking!" The young monkey laughed.

The old monkey frowned and shook his head "All you focus on is strength so what would you know? That little girl may be weak but very unusual, I remember before she got put with the weaker beasts because she caused me so much stress! A tiny little thing and yet she always kept trying to steal my monkey wine no matter where I hid it and whenever I was about to return she fled my cave before she could be trapped."

"So she has a good sense of smell so what?" The young ape tilted his head.

"From this and her previous actions that caused a stir leading to her family receiving numerous complaints back then and her timely escapes each time unharmed it can be deducted that she could identify and find cultivation resources and most importantly she seems able to identify when a threat is nearby which are very useful to us if she could be nurtured but she showed no talent towards training from the beginning" The old monkey sighed.

He continued "This outing for them could be beneficial to take her with them I hope, if it doesn't help her grow stronger at least it may still help our situation if she really has such abilities."

"I see what you mean" the young monkey nodded.

"At present keep watch over the surroundings for attacks while they are out, they have their job we have ours and there needs to be a place for them to return to." The old monkey ordered.

"Yes father!" The young monkey saluted and disappeared into nearby trees.

The old monkey stood as the wind blew onto his lonely figure sighed. "All I can do is place my hopes on those talents, all these years and suddenly 5 promising youths are born all close in age and already on their way to surpassing us old fellows… Perhaps it may be my time soon to join you soon my wife. I promised I would protect our son but keeping him in this place under my protection may in fact be limiting his growth."

He suddenly disappeared from sight and went back to his cave to calm his nerves.