Little White vs Little Wolf

The little wolf snarled at little white as he circled again "you should have just accepted that fatal blow earlier little thing, now I am mad! See how you will suffer slowly in pain as I feast on your flesh!"

Little white looked down upon this little wolf as she was a little taller and clicked her tongue. "Tch! Only a few year old pup and you dare make threats against me. Hmph…"

"Wha…what! Y…you! I'll kill you!" The wolf snarled as his claws were surrounded by a clear spirit energy as he leapt closer to little white and began an assault of slashes.

"That's news to me, weren't you already going to kill me. It's not like you just decided to do it now idiot." Little white snorted as she began dodging the attacks the best she could but took a few light slashes to her skin. 'Urg… This body is too weak and I'm not used to combat in this form.' She frowned while thinking.

Scanning the surroundings she continued to evade and move about the trees as she used her antlers to knock the wolf back whenever he had an advantage.

The wolf seeing he was not able to land a fatal blow began to get more and more frustrated and growled. "Dead! Dead! Dead! Dead! Just die already! Aaaah!"

Seeing he was losing his focus in the fight and going berserk a cunning smirk appeared on little whites face as she positioned herself. "Come little pup kill me! So useless… Can't even kill little me ahahaha!"

"Aaaaaaaaaah!" The little wolf was thoroughly enraged and leapt into the air to deliver the final death blow, he opened his mouth and his eyes focussed on little whites neck as he was approaching his target he began to let out an excited howl.

As he was to bite down, little whites body seemed to precisely turn and her antler was bitten onto and firmly held onto by the wolf.

Using the momentum of the mid air wolf on her antler she forced her body to turn and slammed the wolf down into the nearby tree.

A sharp tree branch pierced through the wolfs side and began losing lots of blood stuck in place.

The wolf began to whine and cry out in pain as a look on doubt and shock was on his face. " w..wh.. Why did I lose, damnit!"

"Simple." Little white overlooked his sorry figure feeling no sympathy nor pride. "You were spared by my father when we first met, but instead of showing gratitude and learning from your experience you decided to lead an attack on my family. Your own vicious nature led to your own demise and most likely your pack."

"You are lying! There is no way your family is still alive under that attack, just you watch hahaha! My pack will avenge me! Cough cough!" The wolf howled as his eyes were growing dim.

"Sorry but accoording to my calculations the first to die would be your pack leader to my father, after that he will support the others even if they aren't struggling the fight is our win." Little white spoke with certainty as she raised her hind legs and sent out several kicks to his head killing him.

After killing him she began to drag the body and bite into the wound, pulling out a small sphere shaped crystal which was a spirit beast core filled with the wolves cultivation of 1st spirit gathering.

Little white pondered for a while before shrugging and taking the core with her, headed towards her families direction. 'Hmm.. I may have died as a human with a desire for revenge but now I have a family and friends that I never had so I should cherish it. The recent attacks are putting everyone in more danger and I have been so helpless…if I want to be of help I need strength!'

She carried the core in her mouth with a resolute look in her eyes, her steps became more and more steady as she made her way back to her family.