Bloodline & Attributes

Little white was aware of another positive detail about beasts!

Little white was born a little different from her parents, which could only be described as a variation.

Variation spirit beasts unlike other beasts have a much higher success rate in evolving their bloodline, if they find a suitable bloodline their body would undergo a complete transformation.

For example a tiger race variation could improve their bloodline and body undergoes a change to look more like the beast he got the bloodline from, however that beast must possess a higher rank of bloodline and has to be of the tiger race or possess a trace of the tiger races bloodline.

But the deer race themselves are a weaker race compared to most, but as stated in the book there is a suitable candidate!

The qilin is a beast with a scaled body resembling a dragons, a body shape of a deers and have long antlers, they are very beautiful beasts that have the bloodline of dragons and are known for their fast speed and strong bodies.

Little white came to a halt and thought to herself happily. 'If I could encounter a qilin and improve my body and bloodline…I could even be able to go a step further in the future!'

Qilin are normally used by the highest of noble or royal families to ride or pull carriages so the chances of encountering one would not be low in the future.

So after reading the book and making her decision she began to scan through all of the higher ranked cultivation manuals in her memories.

There were many different types each as powerful as the rest, also odd ones too… Pure Yin manuals to maintain purity while cultivation storing up a ladies yin energy to assist cultivation, while males had a pure yang manual.

There were also many types like severing emotions to focus on the path to cultivation manuals, alluring body cultivation, taboo manuals focussing on the dark path of martial arts.

Checking the energy in her core she found 2 seperate sources of energy within, one of light and the other darkness.

Perhaps this was the result of her immortal soul possessing light energy battling against the dark energy dissipating his soul when the two souls combined creating a mutation in her beast core.

Despite having two attributes she could not train and use them at the same time because they are conflicting elements, if used together they could cause problems to her weak body and gathering and refining each element requires a seperate cultivation manual.

"That's it, I have decided! If I use what my master taught me in my previous life I may even surpass my previous achievements in the future!" She thought to herself. "Perhaps one day I can avenge you.."

The Holy Scripture is an ancient and very high ranked cultivation method exclusive to the leader of the holy sect and their students, the other teachers and students use a simplified and lower ranked cultivation manual which is based off it.

She had to switch cultivation manuals after joining the sect so she did not gain its full benefits.

However she wished to begin training a darkness based cultivation manual as a priority, dark martial artists are more secretive and elusive suiting her current personality.

Art of the Abyss was founded by a dark immortal who gained many insights into pure darkness as he fell into a deep chasm surrounded by nothing but pure darkness.

The darkness swallowed him up, took his sight away and he could no longer hear any sounds deep within the chasm, as time went on his body began to deteriorate and if he did not make such progress in his martial arts he would have died.

He however turned a great misfortune into a blessing, surviving and then went on to create this cultivation manual and passed it onto his students.

Those who practice the cultivation technique have a huge advantage in battle during the night or in dark environments like forest areas which she would be part of in the future.

'This one has the most potential.' She nodded to herself. 'I pick you!'

After a day passed, the family grew quite worried as their daughter spent her time in silence after her previous experiences and occasionally mumbled to herself.

Her mother was most concerned and wanted to check on her when she heard a cute giggle from the back of the cave so she hurried to inspect, her daughter sat on the floor mumbling to herself and seemed to be in celebration.

"Mother I did it!" Little white grinned at her mother with her eyes sparkling.

"Did what exactly?" The mother questioned her daughter with a look of confusion and doubt.

"Just you wait, and I shall show my prowess to everyone! Nobody will look down on little me anymore" little white giggled. 'Although I am small and weak right now its not that I do not possess great potential.'

"Uhm… That's good I guess? Work hard my child" Her mother hard even more doubtful but decided to give her some encouragement and headed back to her spot in the cave while thinking to herself. 'What a strange child, killing one wolf and she is already boasting of how she is going to shock everyone… Well it would be nice if I was proved wrong though.'

'Finally I completed it! I managed to alter the Holy Scripture and Art of the Abyss so I can begin cultivating!' Little white nodded to herself in delight.

She gradually calmed down and got into a seated position closing her eyes and looking serious.

Not long after circulating the manual, almost all of the built up energy she had unconsciously absorbed since birth and the energy from the beast core eaten earlier flowed through her body to her beast core towards the dark energy source.

As the energy made its way into the core it was being refined at a very fast pace, the chaotic energy gradually becoming a little more stable and pure as time passed and her dark energy flowed through her body slowly nourishing and strengthening her muscles, tendons, bones and skin.

The first ever beast cultivation manual in history was created this day and was successful!