Black Fox Family

Back at the cave of the deer family, plans were being drawn in Shadow's mind while her family sat in cultivation until they finally drifted off to sleep.

After her confrontation with the monkey king, she was not yet convinced if he was a danger to her or not for certain.

Although her father was a good deterrent towards the monkey making a move on her, she had also used the current situation in the mountain to show she was needed if he was to stay on top of the current situation.

Offering up information at first then using the rest to trade for resources was also a way she could test him while gaining some things to boost the speed of her current cultivation.

Although her cultivation manual was of the best rank, in a poor environment she gathered very little spirit energy since training so she would have to rely on consuming beast cores and herbs for now.

She had not used herbs to boost her cultivation like the others because of the herbs side effects, although beasts can eat spiritual herbs unlike humans they will still be left with the unused herb residue which builds up in the body which can be harmful to her health and cultivation foundation affecting her future limits and potential.

Humans cannot eat the herbs but they can be made into pills by Alchemists who use their fire spirit energy control and a cauldron to break down the herbs, mix them together and form a pill of different uses or grades depending on their skill in the profession.

That did not mean that she could not make other things to help herself… With the knowledge at her disposal so long as she had the materials she could make medical pastes, fluids.

At a lone cave out of the way from the fox families main caves

On a large rock sat a black fox who had very intelligent eyes, she lifted her head as she gazed at the moon with a deep sigh.

She turned to see a small figure return home looking quite spirited and a gentle look appeared on her face as she stroked the little foxes head. "Where have you been little one?"

Her gaze was met with a pair of innocent eyes. "Mom I'm back! I was just catching some fish for you!"

As she saw her daughter she wanted to dote on her some more but stopped herself as she turned serious. "Child you went down the mountain alone again didn't you?"

"I did…" The little fox avoided eye contact from her mother as she knew she was in trouble. "But… But I am strong! I can take care of myself now."

The black fox had a pained look on her face as she patted the little foxes head. "Please don't go on your own next time, you don't know enough about the world to be acting so recklessly. I know you wanted to cheer me up and I am grateful but if anything were happen to you I will be left on my own."

The little foxes head faced downwards as she began to tear up. "I'm sorry mom."

"I know you have grown strong, but the world isn't as simple as you think so I hope you will grow more cautious. We are in constant attack over the years without signs of ending anytime soon. I hope you will try and gain some others you can put your trust in, then I will feel at ease letting you do as you wish." The black fox gazed up back at the moon with another deep sigh. "Go back and sleep, I will join you soon."

"I will try…" The little fox was lost in thought as she went into the cave disappearing from her mothers sight.

"Sigh" A lone fox gazing up at the moon during a very dark night as the stars and moonlight shone upon her figure, she began to remember a fond memory of her past. 'Honey, where did you go to? Where did you come from? You left me with a daughter, do you know she is doing well? That night I met you it was also a full moon as beautiful as tonight, I hope you see it too.'

The foxes mood wasn't very good but as she lowered her head she found that there was several fish placed at the bottom of the rock a smile appeared on her face. "Maybe I am being too greedy… I do have a good child."

A female black fox appeared in her sight that sniggered. "Still hung up on that outsider? He is not coming back, he either doesn't care or he is most likely dead and yet you still sit here ignoring all of the fox families wishes! How long are you going to be a fool?"

The mother fox turned vicious as she looked on the the intruder with disgust. "Don't think I don't know your game, you just want to use me as a mate for your brother to expand on the families numbers and power. Although the family does not care what happens on this mountain and look down upon the other beasts because of their lower intelligence I refuse to stand by such narrow minded views. Let me guess… The old ancestor is waiting for a power struggle to begin between the other families and to watch the fun and make a clean sweep of the winners forces, those who pledge loyalty to the black fox family will be spared right?"

The black fox showed great hatred in her eyes as she grit her teeth. "Stupid girl, we could be in complete control of this mountain since a long time ago but the old ancestor showed a lot of favour towards you! If he didn't then my brother would not have to search for other mates outside which had been made to submit to me and my brother. We may have built up our numbers over the years but it was very hard to produce one with any talent!"

"What does that have to do with me? The ancestor values me for my wisdom but also my strength, the only person who could make me do something would be him but he knows by doing so I would begin to resent him and the family. Still blaming me because I didn't wish to satisfy your brothers lust and ambitions? Ha what a joke… From what you said, you took in mates by force and produced lots of little foxes to help the old ancestors dreams of ruling this small area but you are so stupid it is funny." The mother fox looked upon the other fox mockingly.

"You bitch! Who is stupid?" The other foxes claws gripped tightly into the ground as she was clearly infuriated and wished to attack.

The mother fox laughed to herself before continuing. "You are of course, sacrificing yourselves for an old mans ambitions and not for yourselves. You think yourself above others but you are merely pawns of the old ancestor, it's quite funny really. Tell me, after all the sacrifice and it's all over… Will you all be happy? All your hard work and plans to be ordered around by the ancestor until he dies? Tell me then, who will die first? Will it be him of old age or will you all be worked to death by his schemes? Ahaha"

"You.. You… Don't think I don't know what you are trying to do! You are clearly trying to cause conflicts among us!" The other fox snorted.

"Do I really need to use such childish tricks? Go play your games elsewhere and don't come to see me again, if you do anything else to involve me and my child in the families schemes I will not be lenient towards you and your brother this time." She spoke in a threatening tone, her eyes locked onto the other fox with murderous intent as she swiped her claws in the air near her neck making a threatening gesture.

"Humph fine, I won't accompany you any longer then you ungrateful bitch. You say all these things but we are all of the same big family, what a shame you threw it aside for an outsider that soon grew bored with you and left." The black fox left while leaving her final words.

"Even if he did toss me away, it was my own decision to make and I still do not regret it for a moment." She replied softly, nobody could hear her voice as she picked up the fishes and ate them happily.

Her previous vicious appearance had turned gentle again as she joined her daughter to sleep.

The moon shone brightly upon the mountain as it looked very beautiful and peaceful but hidden within were unsettling dangers that could erupt at any moment.