Announcement and Preparations

The next day arrived, as the sun rose the monkey king called everyone for an important meeting.

Like planned he announced the competitions requirements, those who had reached adulthood were not to take part and stay behind on the mountain as the others leave to fight with the beasts of the forest and bring back any cultivation resources they could find.

Everyone had a months time to prepare their young to take part, if their young had not broke through to the first spirit gathering stage they were free to not take part if they wished to.

Some beast clans can let their young work together or others may go solo, and there weren't many rules so everyone was free to do as they wished.

With nobody observing them anything could happen during the time so some beasts felt uneasy or confused why this event was suddenly brought up, the panther family agreed to the proposal immediately while the fox family remained indifferent.

Panther Family

After the announcement all of the Panthers gathered together in discussion over what their plans were.

An older looking panther looked down at his family members as his domineering gaze demanded absolute obedience from everyone present. "I'm sure you already know of what has happened today, I don't know what that monkey is playing at but this is also a chance for us."

"Yes elder." They all spoke in unison.

"But Elder, what does this all mean? It can't be that we are moving our plans forward because of this?" The only one that spoke out was the young genius panther who was doted on most by the elder.

"Humph, we have no choice. It looks like that monkey caught onto our plans, not like it will do him any good. We just have to make some extra arrangements during this month. Kid I want you to take a few of our strongest into the forest and begin negotiations with those living there, pressure them with force if you have to. If we can use this chance to wipe out our opponents with a borrowed hand, we can keep our own hands clean. There is no use in wasting our strength on a few kids, if you run into enemies during this event make sure their numbers are less than yours." The old panther focussed onto the little panther as he gave the orders.

"What about when it has ended and the monkey notices we have taken care of the others?" The little panther asked with worry.

"You don't need to concern yourself with that, just focus on your job and I will on mine." The old panther snorted.

"Yes elder" all the panthers bow their heads and spoke in unison before leaving.

The elder sat in contemplation for some time before he smiled viciously. "It's been a long time since I have felt such a rush, this will definitely be an interesting 'competition'. The main supporters of the monkey right now is that old deer, although he is tough to deal with he also cannot move freely. His wife is weaker so is vulnerable to be attacked if he joins into the fight, so he won't leave her side even if we make a move on the monkey. We just need to apply enough pressure to make him stay out of the fight when we make our move."

As the panther grew more excited he looked even more scary as his body leaked out a bloodthirsty killing intent.

Fox Family

The old fox called everyone but the young mother and her child for their meeting. "I'm sure all of you are aware of what is happening right now."

The female black fox nodded her head as she lead her children to greet the old ancestor acting innocently "Yes ancestor! The monkey king and the panther family will use this opportunity to strike at each other. What do you wish of us? I tried to bring back sister to the family but she would not return."

The nearby male black fox looked over as he snorted. "Why do you continue to show her such patience towards an outcast?"

"Silence! Leave her be, I know her temper all too well. If you continue to bother her it will only cause more trouble, it was obvious from the start she disliked you but you kept insisting to make me use my position to force her. Useless fool." The old fox looked coldly upon the the male fox.

The male black fox immediately bowed his head. "I'm sorry ancestor, I spoke thoughtlessly."

'Humph, this lad is ruled by his lust and desires… What a disappointment.' The old fox thought, he gazed upon everyone as he ordered. "We will use this opportunity to sit on the sidelines and watch the battle take place, take any measures you wish to train those who will join this competition. Be sure to remind them to keep out of the fighting until one side has achieved victory, if things are favourable for us we shall strike! You may leave now."

"Yes ancestor!" They all spoke as they left.

After everyone left the old fox was lost in his thoughts. 'Quite a bold move indeed, I was not expecting something like this… Interesting. Was it him who thought up this plan? No, it doesn't seem to be his style.. Then who is it? I seem to be missing something.'

The old fox who was very intelligent was feeling excited over the current events, it had been a long time since he had tested out his strategies against a worthy opponent.

Deer Family

As they sat in their cave, Shadow began to act like a little leader as she made her own plans.

The little white rabbit sat on her back. "Alright everyone, things will be getting very tough soon so we need to work even harder! There won't just be this event, there will be threats from the other clans during the competition too so we need to increase our strength and combat experience during this month."

'Aren't I supposed the be the one giving the orders here?' Old grey felt depressed. "So what do we have to look out for?"

"The only thing you and mom need to worry about is helping mom increase her strength, right now she is your weakness if something happens while we are away." Shadow stared at her father before turning to her mother. "I know it's harsh of me to ask you to join in the training too but if you are too weak, father will need to protect you against any threats. During that time many enemies may attack him, while protecting you he cannot use his full strength and he will be stuck close to you so the enemy could use this opportunity to attack the monkey king."

'She sure has grown during this short time.' The mother deer sighed softly as she gazed lovingly at her daughter. "I will do my best child, you just focus on what you need to do. Although I don't have much talent, I will work hard so I don't let everyone down."

"For the competition I will have Korah accompany me and bro and sis will work together. If possible try to team up with the monkey kings son, or stay close to him. If he is under attack help him out." Shadow spoke softly. "If possible, try to gain some more fighting experience during this month and I will see if there is anything that can help us improve further."

"Got it sis!" Zephyr spoke excitedly as she ran from the cave at a fast speed.

"Hmm… Very well." Jared nodded his head before immediately returning to his training even more determined to strengthen himself.

"Although I do not have any high rank beast cores to assist bro, sis and fathers cultivation it should be enough to boost mother, Korah and my own cultivation during this month. Bro and sis will have to rely on themselves and a bit of luck." She looked at her father and mother for a while feeling conflicted. "Mother, father I will be leaving with Korah now. I'm sure you know where we have been training so go join bro and sis when you are ready."

Shadow left her mother and father alone in the cave, she felt the enormous pressure which had been placed on her shoulders.

Not only the risk of losing her life existed but losing her loved ones was a possibility too.

She was no longer only looking out for herself but those around her which only served as a greater pressure to motivate herself.

The worst endings she could think of happening in her mind, the more she grew determined to grow powerful enough to change her fate and of those around her.

As her mother saw daughters figure leaving she sighed. "Honey, I feel so useless… Our daughter is so young but I feel I cannot be of much help to our family during this time."

"Do not worry about that, just do what you can do. That is all our daughter asked of you, although it may of been a bit blunt of her but she is clearly worried about you. She burdens herself too much with the responsibilities I should be handling, this old man feels equally as helpless towards this situation but I cannot just abandon an old friend who is in need of help." Old grey sighed as he sat close to his lover. "I just hope we can get through this difficult situation together, it seems she left you a few suitable beast cores to help your strength rise so use it when you get used to your training."

"Mm… I understand. We should start training right away. I can't just be sitting here while everyone else is working so hard." The mother deer smiled as she snapped out of her previous gloomy mood.

The couple left the cave immediately to start their months training.