Little foxes decision

As Shadow saw the body parts shatter into tiny pieces she could only sigh. "What a mess we have made here."

"Then what should we do?" The rabbit who was basking in his previous victory turned around to face Shadow and asked.

"Well, no harm done so long as the beast core remains… That is all we really need right now. I will place the bodies in storage until we find a use for the leftover parts." Shadow responded and then turned towards the little fox who had just defeated the wolf.

"Umm… Thanks for the help I guess? Who are you?" The little fox looked somewhat surprised to see that it was actually just a deer and rabbit who were weaker than her in terms of cultivation had saved her from a terrible situation.

"No need for thanks. You did warn us of those pests coming so I figured I could lend you a hand." Shadow smiled towards the little fox looking very cheerful and innocent, if others saw her they may not believe that she killed any of those wolves.

"Right, you look like you have had a long day. I know of a place if you wish to clean your bodies." The little fox quickly thought of something to repay them as she saw their appearance.

The rabbit was covered in blood, shadow remained untouched by the blood during combat but still had a little blood on her back that had come from the rabbit sitting on her back.

"Fine lead the way." Shadow nodded as she gestured for the fox to go ahead.

As the three of them reached the water, a small pile of fish were still there so the fox hurried to count them to see if any went missing before sighing with relief.

"I'm guessing this is your place?" Shadow figured that the little fox must have been here previously before encountering the wolves.

"Mm… I use this place to catch fish for my mom." The little fox dipped her body into the water and began to wash herself.

"I see." Shadow looked a little conflicted as she joined her. 'This girl is a fox, I would be a little less cautious towards her but with the black fox family may be a future danger. Although she is not a black fox, I have not seen whether they have any children with brown fur. Could this be the fox who is as talented as my bro and sis? But she does not seem so bad, I guess I could help her this once.'

As she made a decision she gave an injury pill to the little fox before heading back up to the mountain.

Mother foxes cave

After returning home to greet her mother, the little fox did her best to look as pitiful and cute as possible to avoid being scolded.

However her mother was furious as she scolded. "You are too reckless! I should just keep you inside the cave for the rest of your life then I would not need to worry anymore!"

"No mom! I will be more careful in the future, oh yeah I met some amazing beasts! They were the ones who helped me!" The little fox tried her best to plead to her mother.

"Explain…" The mother fox gazed upon the little fox intently, if her daughter told a single lie she would be able to notice.

As the little fox told the entire story from start to finish not leaving out a detail and her mother listened while occasionally nodding her head.

"I see, you were quite lucky this time indeed." The mother fox nodded her head again before sighing.

"Yes mother…" The little fox lowered her head in embarrassment.

"From what you have told me, those who you met can only match their description would be the troublesome child of the deer family and the rabbit who is always picking fights with the other weaker beasts. If I am right, then it should be impossible for them to suddenly have such a fast increase in strength so it is hard to believe. If so you need to come to a decision, the family have exiled us here… With the upcoming event they will be wary of any future threats and if they both did have a sudden increase in power they may be eliminated if found out by the family." The mother fox began to stare deeply at the little fox as she patted her head.

"What do you mean mom?" The little fox was quite puzzled.

"If there was a fight to break out in the future, the black fox family will be sure to have their own plans to take advantage. If there are any inconveniences they would be dealt with. Now that you have met with the young white deer do you wish to inform the fox family of today's events or do you wish to protect them?" The mother fox gently rubbed her daughters head and proceeded to tidy up her appearance.

"I won't tell them a thing, they have not done anything for us since you were exiled and I won't betray someone who saved my life and helped heal my injuries." The little foxes gaze turned resolute as she lifted her head to look at her mother showing her determination.

"Very good, I did not raise an ungrateful daughter. I am going to sleep." The mother fox looked upon her daughter lovingly before picking up the fish and entering her cave. 'I keep telling my daughter to make friends and it looks like she has finally made a little progress towards that. I hope she can make some further progress in the future, I can't let the clan interfere with this.'

If anyone was to question her priorities she would always choose her daughter first, she doted on her heavily and spoiled her rotten but also taught her what she needed to know and how to act towards others.

Anything involving her daughter would take priority, if the families wishes conflicted with her daughters wellbeing then she would choose her daughter over her family.

So now that her daughter had made a new friend, if the family wished to destroy that then she would not sit idly by and do nothing!