A last stand

In another location in the tigers territory another group clashed, the second group of wolves circled their prey with a hungry look in their eyes.

The two tigers took up a defensive stance by each other and prepared for battle.

They were not as strong as the acting clan leader but they were not weak at all, they stood proudly in front of the wolves who wished to kill them.

They had the cultivation of 3rd & 4th spirit gathering while the wolves were equally as strong but had numerous 2nd spirit gathering wolves assisting them.

The wolves began their assault, diving from all directions and clashing with the tigers.

The 4th spirit gathering wolf and tiger clashed as did the 3rd spirit gathering wolf and tiger.

As they did the tigers power was greater and had the advantage but the wolves were never aiming for a contest in strength.

Viciousness was shown within the eyes of the wolves during the clash as they swiped his claws ferociously the tigers faces and swiftly retreated leaving behind claw marks dripping blood down the side of the two tigers faces.

As the wounds were afflicted in sync to each other anyone could see that this group had experienced many battles together.

Just as the tigers felt the pain on their faces they roared angrily and aimed towards the retreating wolves who attacked them.

In that moment the weaker wolves took this chance to leap on to their backs and bit heavily into their skin.

The tigers grit their teeth in pain and tried their best to shake them off but this only lead to the wolves holding on firmer and digging their claws further into their flesh.

Just as they turned their attention towards the weaker wolves the stronger wolves resumed their attacks.

The weaker tiger had a harder time, the weight of the wolves on his back heavily affected his speed and usage of his bodies strength.

He received several wounds on his body as the wolf stalked him and swiftly dealt damage to his body before retreating to a safe distance.

Meanwhile the stronger tiger was doing his best to resist the attacks, after being hit again he grew enraged.

His eyes lit up with a trace of unwillingness as he gazed at his partner being slowly dealt with.

He charged towards a nearby tree and flung his body at it heavily.

Just as his body hit the tree the wolf that had been holding onto his back had been crushed between himself and the tree let out a shriek as it let go of his body.

Seeing the stronger tigers actions the weaker tiger wished to copy him but as he got closer strong force grasped around his neck.

The stronger tiger had been distracted for a moment because of freeing himself the stronger wolf instead charged towards the weaker tiger and bit down heavily onto its neck.

In a moment of panic the weaker tiger clawed towards the body of the wolf and dealt a heavy injury on its body but it was all in vain.

The other wolves used this chance to jump onto the weakened tigers body and bit chunks of flesh from its neck and blood flowed at a fast rate.

The tigers eyes were dimming and growing lifeless after every bite and slash from the wolves.

When the tiger had all but given up hope he remembered his comrade who had to face the same humiliation and pain.

His eyes were filled with resolve as he used his claws to slash in a ferocious manner, completely ignoring inflicting wounds on himself.

If he could inflict a heavy wound onto the wolves to give his comrade a chance to live he would pay the price.

The stronger tiger pounced towards the wolves in madness, he had completely lost all of his rationality and sense for battle after seeing his comrade on the verge of death.

The stronger wolf had taken a few heavy blows from the stronger and weaker tigers and the other wolves injuries weren't light either but they could still fight.

In their eyes the victory was theirs!

The tiger ignored any wounds inflicted as the wolves used a similar tactic to bring him down but it was not working.

When they attacked he would avoid dodging or being attacked and focus on only one target.

His body became mangled, blood flowing out of his many wounds and he looked terrifying.

He charged and finally grabbed the 3rd spirit gathering wolf within his jaws.

He stood proudly with his bloody body as he lifted the wolf into the air and slammed him into the ground.

His comrade had already died, he felt sorrowful and guilty but he had a duty to kill as many of these wolves as he could before his life ended.

The wolves kept their attacks going after he killed the wolf not giving him a moment to rest but in their hearts they truly began to fear the tigers strength.