No Mercy

The stronger wolf was still bleeding from his leg as the tiger was beginning to lose his strength and loosened his grip a little.

The two jackals snarled as they attacked before the wolf could get free, the younger jackal attacked from the left side of the wolf as the older jackal attacked the right.

The wolfs body could not position itself to face the attacks as he was still trapped, he was completely furious at this turn of events.

A few moments ago he was gloating and savouring his victory as he hoped to burn his image into the tigers mind causing him to be fearful and beg for his life.

After a short time he had been attacked by a rabbit and a cold feeling ran through his body and he couldn't help but shiver.

One of his group had been removed from the back of the tiger before the pair of jackals attacked his sides.

Suffering scratch marks on his left and a bite on his right, he fiercely struggled to get loose from the tigers grip.

The tiger took his final breaths and closed his eyes.

He struggled to free himself some more as he was injured once again by the jackals, one bite wound on his stomach and another on his back.

Clearly the pair of jackals had worked on their coordinated attacks, whenever one attacked the other would attack from the opposite location to confuse the enemy.

The wolfs leg finally came loose from the tigers death grip, he became excited and his gaze quickly turned murderous towards the jackals who had injured him!

He prepared to attack and get his revenge when a figure pounced onto the the wolf at a fast speed and bit onto the back of his his neck ruthlessly.

His body lost his strength as he had felt the jaws of the beast grip around the back of his neck and the body weight of the beast added towards his legs weakening to support his body to stand.

Especially after injuring his legs and suffering several attacks he felt he could no longer stand.

He grew increasingly resentful as he wailed in pain, looking towards his last trace of hope he saw a scene which terrified him.

The remaining wolves were powerless to resist so many beasts attacking together, their bodies became bloody and full of wounds.

Several beasts clung onto their bodies on their back forcing them to lose strength in their legs to keep standing.

After falling the beasts made use of the opening to bite and scratch at the wolves stomach and neck quickly killing them.

"No…noooo.. Please do.." The stronger wolf saw that there was no hope in surviving if he continued to fight, his eyes glowed with cunning.

If he could live through this by tricking them to think he would no longer be a threat towards them, he swore he would do anything to get revenge, even sell himself to his most hated enemies if they helped him kill all those present today!

Before he could finish speaking he was delivered a death blow by the older jackal.

The older jackal was more aware of their bosses views towards this battle.

The wolves were so ruthless to want to exterminate the tiger clan over a small matter, if they were to let any of them off now then wolves would definitely want revenge.

In this fight there would be no mercy, after seeing the look in the wolfs eyes as he pleaded for his life the jackal could tell that the wolf was plotting something.

Not wanting to risk the lives of his group he decided to swiftly end the wolfs life.

Watching this scene the little rabbit nodded his head in approval towards the jackals actions as he thought to himself. 'If an enemy begged for their life in front of the wolf, he would not spare them so why should we show him mercy.'

In another location the smell of blood lingered in the air.

Numerous corpses were laying on the ground and two figures stood over them panting heavily trying to catch their breath and their bodies had several scratch marks.

The larger figure straightened his body as he looked towards the direction where the other battles were happening and frowned.

He was the elderly wolf who had been struggling for power within the wolf clan who had lead his group and killed another two tigers sacrificing several of his own during the battle.

He frowned and ordered the other wolf. "Something does not feel right, we should go and meet up with the closest group and finish off the rest of the tiger clan before they escape. They are desperate in trying to hold us back so they can let the young and weak escape, we must catch them before they get away…we have already been delayed enough."

With his age and experience he quickly arrived at the conclusion, he had seen many similar situations where his enemy acted in such a desperate manner.

The two wolves set off on their journey to meet up with the remaining wolf pack who had already dealt with their pair of tigers.

Their group did not lose as many life's as the older wolfs group leaving four alive.

They sent out a howl to let the others know they had completed their task.

The elderly wolf heard the howl and knew they were not too far away so quickly ran to join them.

Korah heard the howl as his group gathered around him after killing the wolves, collecting their beast cores from the dead bodies and he frowned towards the direction of the howl. "Let's go."

Shadow heard the howl and looked over towards the tiger clan leader and his mate. "You both are injured, stay here and collect the beast cores then you can rest up and recover. I will go deal with the rest, it seems that the wolves have succeeded in their attacks in the other locations."

"Please save our children and we swear we will do anything you ask." The pair of lovers nodded their heads with an expectant look in their eyes as they thought. 'If anyone can save the rest of the clan it would definitely be this group of beasts.'