
The tigers fled to the best of their capabilities, making sure to not leave anyone behind.

If anyone was separated from the group it would be like a death sentence, they would have nobody to look out for them and facing the wolf pack chasing them they would be killed one by one until none remained.

At least if they stuck together there was some hope of finding a solution to their problem, even if it meant using all of their lives to take down some of the wolves with them.

The sister and the cubs were up front while the older tigers were following by the sides and behind to keep guard and the brother kept watch at the back.

The brother smelt a bloody scent in the air and looked back to see several figures approaching from behind he spoke in a panicked voice. "They have caught up, we have to speed up no matter what or they will catch us very soon."

His words sent the cubs into a panic as fear took hold of their bodies.

The older tigers grew more determined and had no choice but to quickly use force to snap them out of their daze, if they gave in now there would be no chance of survival.

It did not take long for the wolves figures to get closer and be within the tigers sights as they glanced behind them.

Their heartbeats quickened and the adrenaline made them forget about their depleting energy.

The only thoughts on their minds was "Run!"

The wolves were sent into a frenzy as they edged closer and closer to their prey.

The old wolfs gaze grew serious with every passing moment, he felt something amiss in his heart but could not figure out what was wrong so he ordered. "Be careful when you get close, don't just jump in alone."

He was particularly warning the weaker wolves that survived the previous fights but also gave a hint towards the stronger wolves in the group not to let down their guard.

Some of the wolves were followers of the clan leader so they snorted in contempt, not taking his words seriously as they thought. 'Why should I follow your orders?'

The wolves were on the tigers tails within a short time and began to try to target those closest to the back when a figure jumped out at them.

"Keep going!" A powerful roar was unleashed from the new arrival, it was precisely the elderly tiger who had met with Shadow in the cave.

His life force was depleting so he entered a deep sleep until the time was right for him to enter the battle.

Saving his energy he rested up and then headed out in the direction the cubs were taken.

It did not take long to catch up and he arrived before the wolves did, being an experienced fighter he kept himself hidden until the wolves were to harm his remaining clan members.

Thinking of his children and grandchildren killed without mercy by these wolves he erupted with strength of 7th spirit gathering.

He charged towards the closest wolf and mercilessly slashed its throat with a swipe of his claws.

The wolf let out a short shriek before collapsing on the floor lifelessly as blood flowed from its throat.

The old wolf revealed a shocked expression and then his gaze turned serious as he berated the others. "Didn't I just say to be careful?!"

The old wolf and the stronger wolves adjusted their bodies to a stop and got ready for any attacks from the elderly tiger.

They gazed upon his battle worn and elderly body which seemed to be at the very end of his life yet on his pale face showed a pair of blood red eyes full of malice and brimming with power.

"We will have to delay our chase for now, everyone focus on this old tiger. He is at the end of his life, we just need to tire him out so don't be reckless." The wolves felt quite threatened at first but after the old wolfs reminder they calmed down.

The group of tigers lengthened the distance they had from the wolves in a short time thanks to the old tigers intervention.

Their eyes were filled with shame and others were filled with worship.

Those filled with shame were disappointed in their lack of strength and their inability to be of any help.

While those filled with worship deeply respected their elder and knew that he not only saved them just now but this would be his final fight.

Unlike the wolf clans elder, the whole tiger clan idolised the elderly tiger because of his strength and his careful nurturing of the clan.

He was strict and harsh at times but there were also times when he was gentle and caring.

He loved to tell tales of his adventures during his youth of exploring different places, his battles and his meeting with his deceased lover.

Of course the clan members never grew tired of the stories and began to seek to strengthen themselves to the best of their abilities so that they could one day satisfy their adventurous spirits.