Korah's Provocation

While the two intruders had begun to put their plan into action, within the valley the wolves were living out their ordinary lives.

The pack leader called for their best fighters for a meeting. "I have called you all here because I have something important to say. It has probably been noticed by some of you that there has been a visitor coming to our territory."

One of the wolves nodded their head in response. "Yes, they are of the same bloodline as our pack but I have not met any of our kind outside of the valley. So why now?"

"This is true, many many years ago we were part of a much larger and powerful pack which became too arrogant. We provoked far too many and our clan suffered a crushing defeat, the strongest of the survivors decided to split up and went into hiding. Some took their mates with them while a select few joined a new pack to continue their bloodline there, through the many years we have been rebuilding our pack through various means." The pack leader sighed.

"So what does this mean for us?" Another wolf looked at the leader with doubt.

"The visitor is from the strongest pack, it seems that they have been in contact with the other remaining packs with the same bloodline. It would seem that it will soon be time for the packs to become one again, since our clan is one of the weakest in strength and size we have no choice but to follow." The pack leader sighed again.

"So we have to follow someone else?!" Another wolf shouted in anger.

"Although I am responsible for all of you, after we become part of the pack I will no longer be your pack leader but I will still fight by your side. We have some time before then to collect everything we have to bring with us to our new home." The pack leader looked quite upset at the thought of leaving the valley where they had lived for so long.

"So what is the goal of the future pack?" Asked another wolf.

"If my guess is correct... it would be to take revenge on those who previously attacked us so many years ago... huh? What is that?" The pack leader paused suddenly.

The pack leader lifted his head and began to take in a familiar smell into his nose. "This... who..."

"Leader what is it?" All of the wolves became alert.

The pack leader looked completely enraged. "Its the blood of our own kind, someone has harmed our clan. Who dares?!"

The pack leader ran into the valley towards the location where the two wolves were on guarding duties and the others followed behind.

Was it some strong beast?

A large group attack?

What greeted their eyes what completely out of their expectations....

Almost unsulting to the wolves...

A small white rabbit with red eyes.

Its white hair soaked with the blood of their pack members.

The rabbit looked at the wolves infront of himself without fear.

He shook his body to try to shake off some of the blood from his body with a look of disgust on his face. "Urk, how disgusting... how troublesome."

Upon seeing this sight the wolves stopped their footsteps in confusion, the clan leader looked down at the rabbit before him and spoke. "Intruder, who are you? Why do you have the blood of our pack on you? Where are the two of our pack who were on guard?!"

"Hmph! Stupid mutt, do you have a bad nose? Or are your eyes just as bad? They are dead you old fool." The rabbit looked at him as if he were looking at an idiot.

"What did you say?!" The leader grit his teeth in anger and snarled. "Who killed them? Tell me now and perhaps I can spare your life."

"You are not qualified to know." The rabbit turned his body around and began to hop away.

The pack leader was angered further by the rabbits actions and ordered the others. "Capture that rabbit! He knows what happened here, we do not know if the two on guard here died or were just injured so we need to capture the rabbit alive to find out what happened here."

Even though there were signs of blood on the ground where the two wolves stood their bodies were nowhere to be found, from the surrounding evidence infront of him the pack leader came to the conclusion that the two wolves were either heavily injured or dead.

Without signs of their dead bodies he still had some hope that they were still alive, the rabbit was also covered in the blood of the wolves which proved that he was either a witness to the attack or involved in it.

So killing the only beast that had information on what happened would further decrease their chances of finding the wolves before they die if they are in fact still alive.

So their only option was to capture the rabbit alive and to make him talk with force if needed.

Judging from the rabbits actions towards the wolves, the rabbit was not fearful of them.

In fact he looked down upon them which confused the pack leader, while he was angered by the insults the lives of his pack were most important right now but he still wondered how the rabbit could be so confident in front of them.

Usually towards a beast he would have attacked immediately in this situation but the small rabbit barely seemed to pose any real threat to any of them, to the wolves a small rabbit provoking a pack of wolves would be taken as some sort of joke.

Almost like a small bug ignorantly flying into a web of a spider, they were first fearless but once they got caught they were too weak to escape and at the mercy of the spider.

This was not the case for this rabbit, he did not seem to be ignorant and was covered in the blood of their pack members.

Not only was this a complete provocation towards their pack but his attitude made them more cautious towards the rabbit.

His attitude, his current appearance covered in blood, his small size, he would never be a threat towards the clan by his appearance, the evidence from the surrounding valley after the fight, the two missing wolves all came together to create a situation where the pack leader had to be somewhat cautious but also forced him to act immediately.

With not a lot of time left to act before the rabbit escapes he began to order his strongest to capture the rabbit immediately.

Due to the current events he decided to follow behind at a distance to keep a lookout for anything strange while the other wolves capture the rabbit.