Survival of the fittest

A conflicted look appeared on her face briefly before shaking her head and sighing.

The rabbit caught this show of emotion on the tigers face and decided to offer some advice. "There is no need to feel bad about their deaths, in this desolate forest there are no rules but the survival of the fittest. This time you are stronger than your enemy, if they had been left alive they would have become part of the larger wolf clans that have been coming together lately. Not only would they show no hesitation towards killing you and your loved ones at the orders of their alpha but they would be a larger threat if not killed today. The larger the wolf clan grows the harder our chances of survival will be, taking out some weaker packs right will cause a heavy blow to their plans."

Laune thought it over for a moment before nodding in response. "Master is very thoughtful."

Korah scoffed in response. "Of course she is, she is our boss! You were the one who came forward with the wish to grow stronger, look how carefully she has been training you and even prepared a good opportunity to get some experience."

Laune looked at the rabbit and blushed. "You are right, I will go and finish off the rest."

She quickly stored the dead bodies within her pouch before heading towards the valley again.

The rabbit looked at her retreating figure and shook his head. "Hmph I didn't even have a chance to fight, well she did a good job."

Soon after the tiger entered the valley and proceeded to slaughter the weak and defenseless wolves from young to old.

There was a trace of emotion in the tigers eyes because this reminded her of the past experience of being forced into extermination in the last conflict.

Back then she was powerless and at the mercy of others and now she was the one who was in power.

"He is right saying this is survival of the fittest, only by becoming even stronger can I survive and be able to protect my loved ones." Her eyes became firm once and calmed her emotions before finishing the last of the wolves she found in hiding.

Storing all of the dead bodies she collected in her pouch, she checked over the whole environment including small hiding places between rocks and in the grass just in case she missed anything before leaving.

Returning to the entrance/exit of the valley she was greeted by the small rabbit who had a bored look on his face.

He had his long ears pointed upwards while he continued to listen for any unexpected intruders, not noticing anyone approaching but Laune he relaxed his vigilance. "Are you finished?"

"Yes, I made sure to check for any hiding before I left. Every wolf was defeated and none remain." Laune spoke calmly while informing Korah that she had completed her task.

"Good, today is not over yet so lets go join the others, you got a lot of blood for yourself to increase your strength and lots of wolf meat to feed the clan. Use this opportunity to increase your strength once more." The rabbit spoke again as he took a nibble on a herb. "So did you collect everything else you could find?"

"I took what I could store within the pouch, I will give them to master when I see her. I do not know the uses for such things so its best left for master to figure out." Laune replied after thinking for a moment.

She had indeed come across a few items, herbs and fruits but she did not know what they were or what their effects but Shadow did indeed seem to have knowldge of such things so anything that was found would be given to Shadow.

Of course she got to keep the blood after draining the dead bodies to increase her strength since she was the sole blood cultivating spirit beast within the clan while the beast cores and meat would be distributed appropriately.

Korah nodded with a bored look on his face before letting out a yawn, he hopped towards the tiger.

Jumping onto the tigers back he resumed perked up his ears once more before resuming his cultivation.

Laune on the other hand could feel a chill go down her spine as soon as the rabbit began circulating his cultivation method. 'How can master carry this rabbit while he cultivates, his body becomes so cold!'

Unknown to her, Shadow did not mind the cold ice energy coming from Korah's body as he cultivated.

In fact she took it as a way to temper her own energy, while using her own dark spirit energy to defend against the cold ice energy that came into contact with her body.

Everytime she fought off the unfamiliar energy her control of her own spirit energy improved and the quality also increased after repeated attempts.

Unfortunately Korah was unaware to this deciding to cultivate on Launes back and Laune did not know of a method to defend against the cold so could only keep quiet until she returned back to the clan.

Had Shadow known that Korah was riding on another beasts back she would probably acuse him of being fickle.

Not out of jealousy but as a joke of course, Shadow has lived a very long life during her past life and not had any interest towards matters of love.

Even in the current life she had no interest after encountering her death which was the result of an arranged marriage.

Though she had indeed become good friends with Korah both before and after she regained her memories.

Korah on the other hand thought nothing of his actions, his actions were done in order to spend more time on cultivating during any spare time which he had become used to.

During his time with Shadow he would cultivate on her back to increase the time spent cultivting between journeys while keeping a look out for enemies by listening with his long ears.

So he instinctively jumped on to Launes back to do the same thing without thought for anything else.