Negotiations & Orders

After being the first successful spirit beast to enslave a human using such methods in history, Shadow dragged the unconscious man to the next location.

Back at the tree the sun bear stood by the tree looking out to see if the man would return.

He heard a sound of something approaching until a white deer appeared dragging the man towards his direction.

Seeing that the man was not moving but still breathing the sun bear was confused. "Do not come any closer."

The deer stopped and released the man leaving him lying on the ground, she looked up at the sun bear and spoke. "No need to be so on guard, go ahead and get the fruit. I will watch the human."

The bear thought for some time before nodding his head. "Thanks!"

He then began climbing the tree with his back towards Shadow.

"..." Meanwhile Shadow began to feel a little sorry for the sun bear. 'He is too simple! If I had bad intentions towards him then it would only take a few words to let him drop his guard. I don't know whether to pity him or feel guilty for having other intentions since he is so trusting.'

Shadow shook her head. 'Oh well, this bear is lucky he met me and not someone else otherwise he would not survive much longer.'

While Shadow was busy on lookout and thinking to herself the sun bear climbed the tree finally reaching towards the spirit fruit.

Reaching out and removing it from the tree he climbed back down the tree.

Seeing Shadow still standing there after he retrieved the fruit he let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks!"

Shadow saw that he got the fruit and studied it from afar. "What do you need that spirit fruit for?"

The sun bear looked flustered. "For my elder, he was heavily injured and I have been looking for things to help him get better."

"I see, if he is injured then the fruit will not help them." Shadow replied. "I could take a look at him, perhaps I could help."

"Hmm... then I will bring you to my clan." The bear looked excited while throwing the fruit towards Shadow. "I do not need this then, you take it!"

"..." Shadow was speechless upon how easily he trusted her but nodded.

The sun bear happily turned around and slowly walked back to his clan while Shadow picked up the spirit fruit storing it away.

She then picked up the man and threw his body onto her back before following being the bear. 'One human slave who may come in useful later, one lightening attribute spirit fruit and an introduction to one of the major clans within the desolate forest. What a lucky encounter..."

A little time later the man awoke from his dreams with a feeling of pain to the back of his neck and had a large headache.

His body was able to move freely but feeling that he was being moved around he did not move in case of alerting those who had captured him.

A slight frown was on his face while he tried to assess his current situation as he lay motionless with his eyes closed.

He thought back on his life and how he got here, perhaps he will not be able to make it home to visit his mothers grave once more.

Suddenly as the pain wore off in his head an immature girls voice spoke within the depths of his soul that carried a special charm and authority over him which he could not ignore. "So you finally woke up. Stay still like that for now until I say so and then I will have some things to say to you. If you do not obey my instructions there will be severe consequences."

The girls voice was tender and calm as if spoken by a young girl below the age of 13 which would make it difficult for the man to obey her words but when she spoke the man could sense from his soul that the girl spoke the truth and she held a certain power over him which he could not comprehend.

Anyone would feel weird suddenly hearing a voice in their head which nobody could hear, it was definitely a new, strange and scary experience for him but he had no choice but to believe the words spoken.

The man lay there with his eyes closed and his breathing returned to normal from his initial panic as he listened to his surroundings during his journey while lying on a strange creatures back.