Chaos part 3

Sounds of fighting erupted nearby as the bloody smell in the air continued to grow even stronger.

The brown fox further increased her focus on absorbing the energy into her beast core as fast as possible hoping that she would not be found.

A total of seven beasts began to fight over the corpses littering the ground further attracting more beasts that watch on from a distance.

The area where the brown fox had been hunting quickly became chaotic, luckily she chose to hide up the tree so she had not been noticed by any of the beasts yet.

After a short time passed one of the smaller and weaker beasts began to pant heavily while covered in blood.

A look of panic in its eyes as it gazed at the other six beasts, decisively choosing the path of living it gave up on the prey and fled.

None of the beasts began to chase but as the beast began to feel he was safe a creepy feeling crept up its spine.

Ambushed after being unprepared they did not have much time to fight back as a few black figures decisively clawed and bit into its body.

A female voice spoke filled with disgust. "So useless!"

"Miss what should we do now? Should we give up?" One black figure questioned with a voice filled with worry.

"Never! That bitch has to die today! Idiot, since you spoke up first you will be the one to make sure the gathered beasts find where she is hiding. Go!" The female black fox flicked her tail in anger and hit the ground with her tiny paw.

"Young miss please spare me!" The black figure lowed his body towards the female fox.

"Hmph, whether you live or not has nothing to do with me. If you can survive it's your luck or do you want me to go back and tell the clan you disobeyed an order from this miss?" The female fox looked down coldly at the black fox who begged for forgiveness. 'Dare to talk back to me? Don't even think of living through this!'

A small noise nearby alerted the black fox group.

"The rest of you quickly check the surroundings." The female black fox ordered.

"Yes miss!" The others quickly complied with her wish while silently offering a look of sympathy towards the fox who had been sentenced to death by their young miss.

"Miss please! Spare me... spare me miss! I will listen, I will be obedient please spare me!" The sacrificial fox began to wail in grief and fear.

"Shut up!" The female fox had a murderous look in her eyes. "Or do you want to die here? If you die here and do not complete your task then I have no choice but to report this back to the clan, then your brothers back home will not end well."

Despair crept onto the sacrificial foxes face before lowering his head. "As you ordered young miss."

"On second thought, before you begin hurry and send one other fox who can travel alone to find carry out a task in secret." The female fox spoke again before putting her mouth close to his ear silently whispering so no one could hear but the sacrificial fox. "Pass on my order quickly and do not let anyone else find out about it or else! Hmph!"

Seeing him leaving she gazed onto the far away tree branch with a look of hatred and muttered. "She cannot be allowed to grow stronger... she must die today."

Not too far away a figure hung on a tree branch and leapt to another tree before concealing himself up high. "So close! They almost spotted me..."

The young monkey let out a snort. "So my fathers suspicions were correct, no wonder he has been feeling uneasy. If I didn't just witness it we would never of known that such a monster was being secretly raised. It seems the fox clan are an even greater threat than we thought."

Deep in thought with a frown on his face he stroked the fluff on his chin. "Do we really have to rely on Shadow to counter the fox clan?"

Letting out a sigh he jumped down the tree before leaving decisively.

He quickly arrived back at his own hiding spot not far away...

Picking up his halberd from a nearby bush and looking at the glistening beast cores he had hidden he had a glow in his eyes.

The look in his eyes showed his resolution and determination to further improve not only his personal strength and experience but also his mind.

Before he could live as the young heir of the mountain, as the young genius of the family with a set in stone future.

The deer family was loyal, the panthers were aggressive and the fox clan were patient and full of calculations.

He believed his father could handle everything until he grew into the role of the ruler but lately he had ran into too many variables.

The useless white deer suddenly became mysterious and difficult to see through.

Although the brown fox was a good rival he never sensed any malice from her, the young panther genius was not a huge threat to him so long as me remained vigilant.

Now he had discovered another formidable rival who could cause great harm to his home.

Although his growth was fast thanks to his fathers sole nurturing it also resulted in his lazy nature.

The series of events he had witnessed woke something inside of himself!

Pressure to survive.

True rivals to challenge himself.


He chose differently.

Casting his gaze away from the beast cores he carried his halberd and left to continue his hunt!

Right now he could not be in a vulnerable position or his father would be harmed!

So he could not take time to eat a beast core to increase his strength because he knew the dangers after what was happening to the brown fox!

All he could do right now was to play the game according to the rules.

Hunt, hunt and hunt some more and avoid any danger.

If he encounters others that can solve the current situation then he may be able to help the brown fox but for now he would be risking his own life and be unable to make much of a difference.

This was the first time in his life he had ever been so helpless...