
Nick walked through the city streets till he came across an inn made with that same red cement and blue roof, the inn however had one major difference , the huge wooden sign that hung from beside the door with an image of a horse with a flagon of ale in its mouth. Nick pushes the door open and is greeted by the stench of sweat and ale as he gagged slightly before closing his nostrils. Nick walks up to the bar and waits for the innkeep to come to him. the innkeep was a thing man with a rough face and large hands, the innkeep walks of to were nick is sitting "whatcha wantin "the man asked gruffly . "I'll take a room for 3 months without food" nick said expressionless. The man eyed nick for a moment before saying "its 3 silver per month 4 if you want fresh sheets everyday so 9 or 12 silver depending on your choice." Nick silently takes out 1 gold coin places it on the counter holds out his hand and says "room and key". The innkeep quickly takes the coin for fear of anyone else seeing it before handing nick a key and saying "room 5 at the end of the hall ." nick takes the key nods and heads up the stairs and enters the room.(basic inn style room no need for details here).'System'


'How long did you say it would take to reach origin core if I used my full effort again?'

*approximately 2 months and 23 days should host became serious.*

'Then I'll see you in 3 months.'

At that nick sank into a deep meditation where all else fades away and began cultivating with all of his focus. Like that almost 3 months pass when nick noticed that his qi began to act oddly as it expanded and contracted like it was breathing while in the center of his qi mass a drop of waterlike qi appeared then another and another until all of his qi was liquified and it all gathered into an orb that sat in the middle of his dantian making him think that was it before it suddenly started drawing in massive amounts of qi while refining it and compressing it into more liquid until his entire dantian was flooded with liquid qi. All the liquid qi then began the process of compressing until it turned into a bright crystal orb before all activity stopped and nick opened his eyes and felt all the changes in his body as his muscles grew denser and more defined and he could use qi farther away from his body and that the quality was far greater than before. 'so this is what the origin core is like incredible no wonder there was no stories of someone weaker beating someone far stronger with just their cultivation and no trick the difference is like an ant facing a dragon ,almost useless.' nick thought amazed.

*Indeed host is correct*

'System show me my status'

*NAME:Nicholas varia







CULTIVATION:origin core tier 1

SKILLS:swordsmanship lv4 , flame step lv2 , dragons rage lv3,divine might lv2

ABILITIES:awareness (user is aware of all things around them even without seeing it.)

Body control (user has complete control of their physique including nerves, pores,veins,etc)

Divine charm (user naturally emits an aura that attracts others to them like a natural leader)

Nature child (user is accepted by the laws of the universe, let one cultivate without angering the heavens)







Nick accepts the spike in attributes as it only made sense but the nature child ability caught him off guard .'is nature child the ability I got from that cube?' he asked curious.


'Makes sense i would unlock it when I reached origin core ,so system anything I should know about this level of cultivation?'

*host can project qi from the body as well as unlock the elemental affinity while also being able to start learning laws at the lowest level.*

'Wait does that mean I can start learning alchemy and arrays?'


'Sweet ok open the shop'

Nick goes into the shop and begins looking for 3 things a main cultivation method, a basic alchemy manual and a basic array manual.