The meeting

Nick finally finished setting up what he believed would be the best 5 arrays he knows which were a qi gathering array, a isolation array ,a reflection array(reflects a certain amount of damage back at the attacker) an attack array, and finally a refinement array making nicks room worth a huge amount of money even if the arrays are all tier 1 after all it takes a massive amount of resources usually to become even a tier 1 professional in any occupation . now there is all these arrays focused on one inn room,even so nick bound the arrays triggers to a gold coin which allows whoever has it to control the arrays. Nick walked out of the room three days later fully prepared for any surprises he might come across on his way.

As nick walks towards the city lords residence he is followed by a small boy of about 7 who was curious about nick since he was a cultivator . the boy had green hair like leaves and brown eyes while wearing what looked like a gretat(think potato) sack and was covered in dirt and filthy making it obvious he was a begger. "Mister can you fly? Can you turn invisible?" The boy asked curiously. Nick stopped to look at the boy with a bit of pity before answering"hmm I don't know about turning invisible but I can fly, only for short times though." The boys eyes brighten up when nick talks to him instead of ignoring him like most people. "Mister could you teach me how to fly?" The boy says innocently. The question stops nick as it dawns on him that commoners aren't taught about cultivation and that the only cultivators he's ever met were either part of some noble clan or sect. This idea bothered nick when he realized that it was done to try and maintain the supremacy of the nobility while keeping the general public complacent. Angered by this fact nick did something that would shake the world later. "Sure little one I'll show you how to fly how far you can fly is up to you however." Nick says before he taps on the boys forehead and transfers his knowledge about cultivation as well as the foundation technique he used before he reached origin core. After he finished he took a space ring from his inventory and filled it with a few basic cultivation supplies as well as the array manual with enough materials for someone with average talent to reach tier 1 before placing the ring on the boys finger and flying off towards the city lords residence leaving the boy stunned and confused about the knowledge in his head. The boy looks towards where nick flew off and bows on the ground with gratitude filling his heart.

*Ding *

*new mission received , accept? Y /N?*

'What's the mission?'




DESCRIPTION:you disagree with the way the world works? Change it! Make the world fit your idea of acceptable.

CATEGORY:multipart mission

REWARD:peace of mind,world shardx10,phoenix rebirthx1,legend pointx1



'I don't recognize any other reward besides the first one, it must be good stuff if the system approved. I'll accept.' Nick took the mission and finally arrived at the city lords residence landing in front of the gate shocking the 2 guards standing there. "Tell you lord that I've arrived." Nick barks at one of the guard s who hurries into the house. About 2 minutes later the city lord comes out and welcomes nick with a handshake. "Welcome welcome sir cultivator welcome ,please come in make yourself at home! do you take cream with your tea?" The man bombarded nick with welcomes before asking about tea confusing nick. "Why tea in particular?" Nick asked the city lord curiously. The city lord is confused by the question before understanding hits him "so its not true the cultivators drink a lot of tea?" He asked . nick shakes his head "we're different people so some of us don't like tea while some prefer water and some prefer other things for example." Nick says while pulling 2 sodas from his inventory and setting one down on the table while opening the other. "these little beautiful things are called sodas" nick grins while holding the opened 1.