Heavens pagoda(2)

"What are the requirements to go to the other 2 floors the?" Nick asked the woman curious. "For the second floor its origin core level cultivation or a novice level in two or more professions. The third level requires a nascent soul level cultivation or a middle tier 2 in 2 or more professions." The woman says before check which level jakob and nick wants to go to which is funny because they obviously can only go to the second floor as neither have the requirements to go higher and while nick could use the creation mode to fake it that would be both a waste of stamina as well as effort as that would require him to purchase a higher level book for both of his professions just to go a little higher in the pagoda messing up his plan to advance by his own effort from now on. "Just the second floor since we're only origin core level." Jakob told the woman who then nodded and led them upstairs to the second floor where there was naturally no one there since it is very difficult to find cultivators in such a small town . nick and Jakob chose a table over in the corner of the room by a window that looked comfortable and began using the array drawn onto it to order food and drinks . "while we eat and drink let me explain some stuff to you." Jakob said as the food arrives. "OK so let's start with the thing that confused you earlier about the brothels, so after reaching origin core a cultivator will constantly pull in energy this much you know however when a cultivator has sex 1 of 3 things can occur , if they had sex with another cultivator then both get a boost in their cultivation but if a cultivator has sex with a mortal then the mortal will actually begin draining the potential of the cultivator slowly as they then act similar to a leech at that point , the last outcome has to do with body constitution which can vary as there are constitutions that can completely sap someone of their cultivation and even lifeforce basically crippling them thus it is advised not to have sex with workers at brothels because many have either those constitutions or are not cultivators to begin with ." jakob pauses to let nick comprehend this new information .

Unknown to both of them at the top floor of the pagoda 2 old men sat playing chess "say do you recognize that aura old sun?" One of the men says to the other. "Hmmm feels like that bastard Ares bloodline but its far too pure to be from that family so perhaps that guy left the divine realm to pass on his legacy before that incident happened." The man called old sun said while moving a pawn to take the other man's bishop. "Tch should've seen that , you think we should try to recruit him to the academy?" the first man says while making his move. Old sun scratches his gold grey beard his eyes shining In a wonderous golden color. "let me go eye him out first it wouldn't do to have a horrible youngster going to that place under our names eh old jade." he says before vanishing from his chair after placing his piece and saying "checkmate."

"So there are evil paths in cultivation?" nick asked. Jakob shrugged "I can't call them evil exactly as there are no truly evil paths most simply call them the dark paths where the rest are light paths."