Set off

Nick froze before coughing awkwardly "well its not that I have a problem with relationships themselves so much as being forced into one, do you understand?" He spoke with conviction. Lo mia thought about it for a moment and quickly came to the realization that indeed the problem wasn't the relationship itself but in fact the manor in which it was created that nick despised. "I see , it's kind of funny really." She says with a giggle. "What is?" Nick asked. "Everyone is under the impression you simply hate relationships themselves when In fact the truth is very different , as a result everyone believes pursuing you to be extremely difficult when its not." Lo Mia explained. Nick was stunned. 'Is my public image really that bad?' He thinks to himself. "Ah right this inheritance area what should I prepare for roughly?" Nick changed the subject. Lo Mia caught on to nicks action but decided it wasn't worth pointing out. "As far as I know the sect it belonged to focused mainly on swordsmanship so likely just medicine for healing and qi regeneration." She explained to nick calmly. Nick nodded since it made sense that the test for swordsmanship would likely be very physical in nature. "I have plenty of pills that would work perfectly for that ,hmm I suppose I'll bring a few protective talismans as well since who knows if we'll need them." Nick said before walking back into his house for a few minutes. Everything was silent outside the house before nick walked out with a small stack of paper slips that appear normal at first glance but are anything but normal. "Alright I'll give you half of these twenty talismans and ten pills for healing and qi regeneration each which should cover everything we need." Nick said before handing the stack to lo Mia along with the pills. After checking that everything was in order nick looked at lo Mia "all set , lead the way." he said obviously excited. Lo Mia rolled her eyes before heading out the gate and flying towards the schools mission hall. As they arrived several people started to whisper and point at them and nick managed to catch some of it.

"Is that the swamp loner?" "That's got to be him right?" "Who's the girl with the loner?"

Nick was dying inside as he heard what was being said about him and as much as he wanted to defend himself he knew it was pointless. By this point in time his fame had already spread through the entire academy due to to particular things. The first being his aversion to forced marriage, and the second being the "pill swamp" he decided to live in. Both of these things set nick so far out of the norm that he became a common piece of knowledge throughout the academy. Now that he had shown up in public so soon it was bound to cause a stir. Lo mia was practically tomato red from how hard she was blushing at the words of those around her. The duo walk over to the counter where a dead faced young woman was sitting. "Names and reason?" She said monotone. Neither nick nor lo Mia were bothered by the girls lack of emotion. "Lo Mia and Nicholas farias, outside expedition." Lo mia said calmly.