Drunk sword (2)

Nick sighed out loud before he circulated his bloodlines causing his body to change form as he instantly grew to two and a half meters tall while his muscles bulged on his body. Dark golden scales began to sprout from under his skin before covering his body as his eyes turned into yellow reptile slits and claws tipped each of his fingers. The crown above his head however was black and white instead of the rainbow color it was before. The look on the peacocks face spoke volumes about the change nick underwent, but could best be summarized simply as "I fucked up". The guards quickly put some distance between themselves and nick . nick himself however simply stood in place releasing a dreadful aura. "see, if i thought for a second that you might not go crying to some big shot family member or even teacher over some humiliation that quite honestly you haven't been given , i would let all of you go however as i find myself in this over used trope setting i'm just going to nip that possible outcome in the bud." nick says to the peacock before turning to the guard who spoke earlier. "its not personal." nick said. After nick finished speaking nick dashed towards the nearest guard leaving a trail of fire behind him. Right before he reached the guard nick swung his sword sideways in order to cut the man in half, however what actually happened is that the sword suddenly shifted its weigh causing nick to miss since he had to reorient himself. At first nick ignored this phenomena but after a similar incident happened a few more times he quickly realized this was a result of the inebriation that yin yun was under causing him to be out of sync with the sword. A after a moment of thought nick had the perfect way to fix this dis-resonance withe the sword. nick decided that he was also going to get a bit drunk so his mind syncs with yin yun's state of mind far easier. To do this nick removed the jar from his inventory causing his opponents to try to protect themselves from a poison that would not come. nick unsealed the jar which ounce again released a colorful mist , this time however nick did not prevent the mist from affecting him. The first thing that happened to nick was that he noticed the vastness of energy that was in merely the mist, next his mind grew hazy and comfortable like a warm bath. The last thing was that a grin covered his face though from his opponents point of view he looked like a madman. Nick sealed the jar again putting it away once more. nick launched himself at his opponents aggressively before taking a wild formless swing of his sword ripping the space in front of him with the scream of air splitting. the sword started glowing after it cut through one of the guards like he wasn't even there before crashing into the ground sending shrapnel flying. Nick spun drunkenly in place before falling over and rolling from his own momentum finally ending up on his back where he stayed until one of the guards attacked him . From his back nick stabbed his sword forward which impaled the guard before lifting nick to his feet. After wobbling unstably for a moment nick stepped forward with a lurch that threw the rest of the guards off balance since none of them had ever fought someone who was more powerful than themselves while that person was drunk. nick haphazardly arrived in front of one guard who tried to block the crazy swing of nicks sword , and he succeeded to a degree however since nick was so much stronger than normal the poor man was flung away with both his arms broken but still alive. the rest of the guards and the peacock all swallowed hard from fear before deciding not to block nicks attacks if they can. Nick hiccupped before heading towards another guard who tried his best to stay away from nick who seemed like a humanoid beast to the guard which to be fair he truly looked like it with his limiters removed.