
After upgrading most of his defenses nick looked at lo mia who was staring at nick like he was an impossible thing standing before her. "if you're done being impressed can we open this vault now?"he asked amused. lo mia snapped out her shock before asking "what are you?" Nick was taken aback by the question before he understood why she asked to which he could only shrug and say "just you're everyday monstrous genius." lo mia seemed satisfied with that answer for now. "yes pop that vault open lets see what we got." she says excitedly. nick was about to pull the vault out of his inventory when suddenly the ground began to shake all around the world as huge pillars of purple energy shot through the atmosphere all around the world some in the middle of nowhere some in the middle of cities. the pillars of energy vanished just as quickly as they came leaving in their place violet portals which slowly released a purple energy into their surroundings . one such portal opened on the mountain right next to nicks swamp. the portals seemed harmless at first since besides showing up dramatically nothing happened , at first. After about an hour the first change happened to the portals which were being watched by some of the strongest people in the areas they were found , suddenly a thick bloodlust was released into the surroundings of the portals before legions of demons poured out of every portal before anyone could react , the invasion had begun.

the strong est people tried to talk with the demons at first since their motives were unclear , however the demons made it abundantly clear they weren't here to talk. a fierce battle occurred at the sites that had people strong enough to fight back everywhere else was either massacred or enslaved . At this moment nick was in his released state fighting every demon he came across on the now battleground on the mountainside. nicks prowess in battle intimidated the thin shadowy creatures that comprised most of the enemies he came across which wasn't all that surprising since his bloodline thrived in battle , however that didn't mean the demons he was fighting where weak , on the contrary since he was having trouble dealing with them quickly them were quite strong he was just too much of a monster himself for it to matter. blade swinging rapidly yet precisely nick dispatched another demon and he was about to go look for another when his instincts screamed danger at him to which he rapidly blinked away dodging as a massive force collided where he was just standing sending up a cloud of sand. "tch , no wonder we were having trouble pushing into the swamp below." a thick baritone voice said with a tinge of irritation from the cloud of sand. the sand quickly settled to reveal the source of the voice , a demon that looked like the flying demon described before however this demon was smaller at only about a meter tall with a handsome face and long black hair tied into a braid behind it while clothed in a set of crimson platemail that covered every part of his body except his wings , tail and head. the demon carried a one handed handaxe of a rippling blue tinge.