
the way nick did this was simply by putting his share in his inventory and then giving the vault to lo mia. after taking care of the loot distribution nick summoned a table with a few chairs as well as a a couple of sodas. lo mia of course sat down in one of the chairs but she didn't know what to do with the soda nick had offered her. nick chuckled slightly at lo Mia's confusion before showing her how to open and drink soda. after tasting the soda for the first time lo mia was stunned as it was such an odd drink with its fizz and odd flavor.

"so what was it you wanted to discuss?" nick said while leaning back in his chair comfortably. lo mia put down her soda "first if its not too difficult why does your personality seem to have changed?" she said curious. nick was expecting this question as even he knew the change in his personality was just too dramatic not to notice. "are you aware that bloodlines can be acquired after birth?" lo mia nods. "in that case if i were to take a guess you likely don't know that bloodlines at high enough strength can cause the person who acquired them unnaturally to have a change in personality due to the desynchronous state the bloodlines exert on the body and mind." nick said calmly.

lo Mia's eyes grow wide as she immediately figures out why nick was so aggressive before. "you are right i was in such a state before now however most cases aren't that extreme since the influence on the mind is usually very small , my case was in truth due to suddenly gaining a second powerful bloodline which compounding with the influence of the first one caused my personality to twist into that state it was before. thankfully this state can be removed by increasing the strength of ones body to better contain and fuse with the two bloodlines." nick explained before taking a sip from his soda.

"wait you can increase the strength of your body without increasing your cultivation!?" lo mia exclaimed in surprise. nick was startled with her sudden exclamation but quickly recovered. "yes it can be done and before you ask no i won't tell you how." nick said calmly. when lo mia heard the first part of nick's words she got excited but when she heard the last part it was like some one dumped ice water down her back. "but why? if you shared the method humanity would grow far stronger quickly!" she said angrily. nick didn't even flinch at her anger "humanity is both good and bad in equal parts so if humanity were to grow more powerful than any other race what do you suppose would happen?" he asked calmly.

lo mia thought about nicks question "it would live with the other races as equals causing all to prosper." she said with conviction. nick sighed and shook his head "optimism while it appears nice is mostly useless in this world, no if humanity grew more powerful than the other races it would crush them into slaves or simply wipe them out entirely while devastating the world around them , there is no point in arguing with me i have seen it myself. nick said while thinking back to when he was on earth. lo mia wanted to argue with nick over it but the look on nicks face crushed that idea where it formed. such a look of sadness and melancholy simply didn't allow for argument.

"that said in order to use that method to its highest ability I'd have to give up knowledge on alchemy that i have no intention of giving up anytime soon." nick said with a chuckle. lo mia was confused but then it dawned on her "you mean the principle in this array is from alchemy, but if it was used on pills they would.." lo mia grew pale as she had a realization. "and that realization is why I'm not giving up that knowledge anytime soon as it would throw the prices of ingredients all over the place."